F-4U Scenery Help

Have seen no problems with this scenery in GW3. There was an updated afcad for aircraft starting position on La Vella. Make sure that La Vella is at a higher priority than Oceania. Here is a shot from my GW3.
Hi Robert,

That's the way my FS9 install looks. But at about the same time my TBM went nuts, my scenery quit woeking in GW3 also. My TBM is back to normal for now. I'll check the scenery order this evening.

One other thing you can try is delete the addon scenery dat file. The sim will make a new one. Also, thanks to Obio for this, go into scenery library and check empty scenery cache. Never had the Avenger problems but sometimes when switching between FS9 and GW3, my addon scenery goes haywire and deleting the dat files usually takes care of it.
Hi Robert,

Tried all your suggestions but none of them had any effect on the GW3 install.

Thanks for the suggestions.
