F-82 Twin Mustang


Charter Member
I have been looking for a mod to remove the bombs from the F-82 by Mr Ito, is it possible? I have looked at the modification files here but as far as I can tell they leave the bombs on.
The only way I would know how to accomplish that would be with an Alpha Channel. If you can isolate the textures for the bomb and add a solid black alpha channel just to that area of the texture, it will basically render the texture invisible.

The only downside to that is that as you turn, bank, etc. and I would imagine, even in clouds, that area may still show as a void against the background. Unfortunately Ito San was very guarded with his source files, no one was permitted to make any modifications, nor was anyone permitted to use them in any wargame simulation.

He no longer is able to design aircraft and so probably no chance to have any future work done to it either.
Ive tried to alpha channel them out on bothe the F-82 and P-82 by Ito-San and it leaves the bombs, fuel tanks and rockets as an overall shiney silver im afraid :salute:
Ive tried to alpha channel them out on bothe the F-82 and P-82 by Ito-San and it leaves the bombs, fuel tanks and rockets as an overall shiney silver im afraid :salute:
Ah, ya know what. . .just thought of something. . .the program MDLMat is probably where the alpha channel should be applied. It would take some trial and error on your part depending on how many textures there are, but since that applies color directly to the mdl file, an alpha, correctly added to the parts that apply to the bombs will probably render them invisible.:salute:
*scuttles off into a small corner with MDLMat under my arm and begins beaving away with a do not disturb sign*

Be back later on :running: