F-86 by Kirk Olsson


Staff member
I've had this plane downloaded for some time. Surely I must have installed it at some point, but I don't remember. My loss! What a beautiful and fantastic plane, and freeware, of course. The download file has a date of 2006, which is how long I've been missing out on this gem!

Yes it is a fine model. No shame I have literally dozens of a/c in a pending folder, there are just not enough hours in the day. :biggrin-new:
Have you tried the SectionF8 offering?

It's the slatted-wing variant (F-30, I believe), but there's also a beta around with the 'hard' 6-3 wing.
Also freeware.

Kirk's Sabre was a blast at that time ! A beautiful model with a beautiful VC.
However, the VC was not clickable at all, and the plane was started with CTRL+E.

As Dhazelgrove said above, the later SectionF8 Sabre made Kirk's Sabre obsolete, by providing an external model with incredible details, and a virtual cockpit with a lot of clickable stuff (plus excellent sounds, if I remember correctly).