F. Giuli Piaggio p.108b/t engine problems


Charter Member
How many of you noticed that the engines shuts down when the throttle is at idle

It was my first time trying it.

I personally prefer engines started and stays on at idle.

What is a quick fix for this problem?
How many of you noticed that the engines shuts down when the throttle is at idle

It was my first time trying it.

I personally prefer engines started and stays on at idle.

What is a quick fix for this problem?

Did you try my airfile for CFS2? Giulli's aircraft at FS2002 and FS2004 are generic airfiles and are not made specifically for his planes.


Maybe you can try to modify the value of :
(in the aircraft.cfg)
idle_rpm_friction_scalar= value
Reduce a little the value and test !

BTW if you are at a high altitude terrain .. it will be normal that the engine shut down when going to idle
So better make your tests on a terrain altitude near sea level
In the aircraft.cfg, GeneralEngineData section, you can add or modify this statement:

min_throttle_limit = 0.1

Increase by .1 until it idles okay.
Methink Milton hit the nail :adoration:

May be, maybe not. I do not have this aircraft so just guessing with everyone else about possible fixes.

If you do not have AFSD to check the fuel/air mixture which should ideally be at .0830, then change this statement to a 1 and test it.

fuel_air_auto_mixture = 0 //change to a 1
Sorry for not posting an update... but even though I made some changes (although I don't remember which changes), it still won't work.
I will try the fuel air auto mixture=1 change.