F27 for P3D v4 is a slideshow on my rig


I was thrilled this week to see the JF Fokker F27 updated for P3D v4. After downloading and installing it, I took it on a quick initial flight and didn't notice anything amiss. Then I tried it again a bit later, and found frame rates between 14-26 fps. The only add on I have installed so far is Orbx global, vector, and west coast scenery.

i've toyed with the graphics settings a bit (Nvidia 1080 DDR 5 with 8gb), and my sliders are mid-Range. Am I missing something...this config should scream.

A quick comparison to four or five comparable models and I'm seeing consistent frames Kent.
I'll take the aircraft up for a short check flight and see if I can produce an anomaly. I'll bump back in.

It was nice to see the update for V4 though.

The heavy hitters are Dynamic Lighting and Dynamic Shadows in V4, DL being the worst. Your card should be more than adequate, even with those settings ticked.

Where do you have your LOD and Autogen Distance set?


OK...I took the model through and around two of my heavy hitter sceneries. If it was going to bork performance, it would happen there.
You said you installed ORBX west coast. If you installed NorCal, you might see some hits from the windfarms around SFO and Hayward. I'd try one flight ORBX enabled, then disable the region and try again. See what you get.

Are you running Flightbeam KSFO HD or Aerosoft Mega San Francisco? Those coupled with NorCal can put a slight damper on things, but I think not with your setup.
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I was over ORBX SoCal when I would get the hit, and thus far, do not have any other sceneries loaded. HDR lighting was disabled (don't like the look of it). I also tried lens flair "off" and ALL shadows disabled...it was still lousy. I will try flying with ORBX disabled next. On top of that, when I Googled this problem, the only result I got was an old post on the JF forum by--me-- back in 2016. It was a different rig back then (so that's not it), and the baseline framerate was half what is now (35 vs 65fps)....but the problem is the same:

"...framerate issues in P3D have brought this airplane to it's knees-- it's a virtual slideshow. I recognize that computer specs are important (video card, processor,etc.), but I have ZERO problem with any other airplanes-- in fact I can comfortably operate at 35 fps all day long in most environments with other manufacturer's products.

Here is my question about the F27: I have the latest Service Pack (SP2) installed, and I am still having this problem in P3D V2.5 (BTW-- I don't have the framerate issue in FSX). I have tried altering graphic settings, shadow settings, scenery settings all to no avail. And I have had a track record of framerate issues with JF products (although I love them!). The framerate drops to 5-6 fps in the VC (sometimes as low as 1fps), which is just a fun killer. Question: Is there something I am missing regarding the F27 and P3D performance that I have not yet tried to get framerates back into the box?" Never got a reply (which is not unusual.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Clearly, I'm thinking this airplane has something in it's materials or construction that is not P3D friendly. I will continue to experiment. Perhaps Martyn will see this and have some insight. Sure LOVE that airplane and would like to get it working, though.
Copy that,

ORBX SoCal is a rock crusher, even for the 1080, but if you are OK in other planes at the same location/settings it must be something in the model.

I did manage to freeze my computer to black screen in my last taxi test. I was getting good FPS comparable to my F7F Tigercat, which is a demanding model, while on the ground at my KBIH scenery. I always test in this scenario, because the scenery is a real monster.

The crash came when I did a camera switch in ChasePlane. I got the death buzz, then black and frozen, then went to a fresh system boot. I was running a clean boot when I ran that test, prior to the crash. At the moment, I can't point at a cause...airplane....ChasePlane...FTX Global Base etc. I have been flying other airplanes in this scenario quite heavily while I've been dialing in my new card and the fresh P3Dv4 install. I had just updated FTX Global Base yesterday with no issues and ORBX libs are current.

The thing that got my interest was the black screen crash switching cameras. That was the airplane and ChasePlane camera system, but I don't have a clue...yet...what would initiate the glitch.
I'm going to try and re-create the scenario and see if I can get another system anomaly.

This is the first time I've had a system crash, so I am leaning towards a code glitch in the F27. It could be something with the compiling of the model with the P3Dv4 SDK, but I don't have any data on how the model was converted for V4.

Do me a favor and try something. Fly the same scenario, settigs etc. Get to altitude above SoCal and check FPS inside the cockpit. Then go to an outside view and check FPS again. This will jump from the interior model to the exterior model.
Next, fly out to the coast and point the nose out to the ocean. You won't be looking down the barrel of that huge expanse of autogen. See if the frames jump up once you are only looking at the Pacific. Fly a couple of racetracks out at the coastline and watch the FPS as you orbit from the ocean to the city and back.
The crash came when I did a camera switch in ChasePlane. I got the death buzz, then black and frozen, then went to a fresh system boot. I was running a clean boot when I ran that test, prior to the crash. At the moment, I can't point at a cause...airplane....ChasePlane...FTX Global Base etc. I have been flying other airplanes in this scenario quite heavily while I've been dialing in my new card and the fresh P3Dv4 install. I had just updated FTX Global Base yesterday with no issues and ORBX libs are current."

Uh-oh...I forgot to mention that I am a constant "switch between VC and external spot plane view" kind of guy. That was ABSOLUTELY what I was doing the second and subsequent tests. But I will go back in the next few days and try it pointing it out to sea and flying the orbits. Come to think of it, I am at home for the weekend, and I am on my "at home rig" in P3D 3.5...I'll try it here first and see if there is an issue.

NEW EDIT: So, I tried my P3D v3.5 F27 on my "home" rig, which I do not have ORBX installed on (yet). A very quick run from KSNA to KLGB. 203fps external view when pointed seaward, 173fps when pointed towards the coast (inland), and 95fps in the cockpit (Yeah...my home machine is a SCREAMER from JetSystems). So the next logical test will be on my new "away from home" rig, with ORBX disabled. Should be interesting. I'll run that test by Monday (possibly even later tonight), and report back.

KLGB..that reminds me, I want to build that scenery. Maybe current day and the old Douglas plant from the fifties.

I'll keep an eye on this thread and see what you come up with. Darn it...now I'm developing an urge to do a good set of bumps for that airplane. lol