F4-F / FM-2 Source files

Pat Pattle

Hi all,

Would anyone have the gmax source for the Grumman F4-F or FM-2 please. I noticed that there's 2 different models around. Gramps which looks similar to the CFS2 model and another which (at the moment) I can't find an author for. Either would be great.

Out of interest, I have a little bit of a real one. I'm not 100% sure what this is, I came across it in amongst some other bits that I was given once.

Well here's a thing, I googled the Serial No. AJ152 and came up with this page:


Which says:

54 Grumman G-36b Martlet II direct order for British Purchasing Commission, Grumman Job No 127.
Serial Numbers: AJ100 – AJ153

AJ150 to UK, remainder to Far East.
First deld 12.41, shipped NY to Bombay 3.42 (AJ100) others also shipped same date or in 4.42
Sqdn 806 7.42 HMS Indomitable (AJ100)
Last – AJ152 derelict in blister hangar at Exeter 1948-1952

Which fits in with why I ended up with it. A chap I know in Exmouth RAFA club ( over the river Exe from me) gave me a box of old models and stuff from another member who had sadly passed away. I'd forgotten I had it until today!
That's the main thing you need to be able to build your own airworthy Martlet Clive!

Yeah, we have an actual FM-2 model, and I think both the F4F-3 and F4F-4, but they could all use an update - particularly the FM-2.
Here is the Source files for stock CFS2 F4F-4 that I converted to an FM-2 back in 2015



  • CFS2 FM-2 gMax Source files.zip
    2.5 MB · Views: 10
Gramps model is probably the same as the CFS2 model,if so if there are CFS2 skins for it they may work for his CFS3 model.I know the CFS3 skins for his SBD-5 work fine in CFS2,You just need to change the skin format.

Gramps uploaded the Gmax source files for some of his CFS2 planes to the SOH library a while back. Includes F4F and FM-2. Only LOD_100 and looks like the CFS3 kins will work with the FM-2. Allen's is multi-LOD and would probably be quicker to compile
Gramps uploaded the Gmax source files for some of his CFS2 planes to the SOH library a while back. Includes F4F and FM-2. Only LOD_100 and looks like the CFS3 kins will work with the FM-2. Allen's is multi-LOD and would probably be quicker to compile

Captain Kurt did a FM-2 also in the last year or 2.Maybe you can use that if he lets you have the files.He does good work and my son uses his Wildcats,Hellcats,Devastator FM-2.

IIRC Captain Kurt works in FSDS2 and I don't think FSDS can make CFS3 models so those may not be of help.
Here is the Source files for stock CFS2 F4F-4 that I converted to an FM-2 back in 2015
Thanks so much Allen! Very kind of you. :)

Thanks also to all who have answered and helped, much appreciated! (y)
Gramps' AvHistory 3un_FM-2p is from VC-7 aboard USS Manila Bay assigned to Taffy 2.
I was just letting everyone know there is an FM-2 in CFS3.Someone could make another texture for it for the carrier they want it for.

BTW the FM-1 was made from the F4F-4 Wildcat but had two guns removed.The FM-2 had a more powerful engine ( 1300 hp ) and a taller tail to stabilize it because of the increase in power.

Saying that Gramps' model is the same as the CFS2 model is true in a way but needs one important addition - it's the same as the Donationware CFS2 model, not the stock one. Nothing common between the two other than being Wildcats.
Saying that Gramps' model is the same as the CFS2 model is true in a way but needs one important addition - it's the same as the Donationware CFS2 model, not the stock one. Nothing common between the two other than being Wildcats.
Hi Rene, I don't recall a Donationware model, but then it was a long time ago!

Thanks again everyone for chipping in to help!

Isn't the internet wonderful, it came up with this, the very aircraft that my little data plate was fixed to.
