Hi Guys,
Hi Jeff,
I recieved a copy of the F5 from Autothrottle but unfortunately I still do not see pylons or weapons.
I've been looking at the various files and I'm thinking it does not have hard points labelled correctly inside the M3D file, this means the numbers used in the xdp file to call on a given hardpoint on which a plyon is used are not matching whats inside the M3D file and therefore it will not show in game, and that means any weapon attached to the pylon will not show in game either until fired.
the red numbers are what I believe need to be changed to match what ever name was used to label the hard point in gmax, but what that name is, is anybodies guess.
<Loadout Name="(10)HVAR Rockets+(2)500lb Bombs">
<Hardpoint ID="1" PylonType="pylon_P38J_0" PayloadType="A_500lb" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="2" PylonType="pylon_P38J_0" PayloadType="A_500lb" Quantity="1"/>
<Hardpoint ID="3" PylonType="pylon_P38J_1" PayloadType="A_HVAR" Quantity="31"/>
<Hardpoint ID="4" PylonType="pylon_P38J_2" PayloadType="A_HVAR" Quantity="31"/>
If there was no hard point in the model for the wing mounts etc then the weapons would show from the centre of the plane, but they dont they show from the wing area as you would expect as if they were on the pylon.
I got thinking about what you said about the air file not calling on them, so I grabbed an airfile from another plane and subbed it in. I still dont get any visible weapons and pylons.
I searched high and low through several air files and I could not find anything that looked like data to link hard points etc in game, I was of the opinion this was controlled by the M3D files and the xdp file which calls on the various hard points (nodes) and emmitters (nodes)contained in the M3D file as to what was and what was not used to link pylon models etc to the plane in game.
This makes me think I'm headed down the right track with the naming idea above, maybe an email to AH is worth a try to see if they have the source file..
regards Rob.