F7F Tigercat Tanker


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Hallo every body, every body Hallo,

as I still work on the Tigercat's panels I have a question especialy for You Milton:
the panel for the day and the night fighter seems to be done, now I work on tne Tanker's panels,
on which way should I continue, the cpt 1 or 2 or both variants?
I will be open to any sugestion.
Both those panels look exquisite, Michael, it would seem to me that the tanker version of the F7F would be modified not only to be used to carry fire retardant, but that it would have a modern panel too. Just my opinion.

F7F tigercat tanker panels

Hallo every body, every body hallo,

the left picture shows a modern panel inspired a lot by the doc Milton kindly send me. there was shown a Tiger cat with a modern panel.
The right picture shows a panel which I tried to be as closest as possible for me to be near the VC.
The "modern" panel still needs a lot of work, it is just an rough sketch.
I show both to see the comments and than to see in which direction I will continue.
sadly I doesn't know about working on VC to modify them, apart changing gauges.
Hallo every body, every body Hallo,

as I still work on the Tigercat's panels I have a question especialy for You Milton:
the panel for the day and the night fighter seems to be done, now I work on tne Tanker's panels,
on which way should I continue, the cpt 1 or 2 or both variants?
I will be open to any sugestion.


You do very nice work Sir. We should let the members here decide what they like as there are many interests and preferences. Both panels are very nice for sure. Whatever you decide is okay with me and when you are ready, you may upload your panel packages separately for people to choose what they wish to fly.

For my purposes, I always use team gauges (or default) to avoid copyright issues so I usually just create a 2D panel from a screenshot of the VC and use our gauges resized for the 2D panel. But do not let that stop you; feel free to share your work as your 2D panels will be much better than mine in terms of realism.

Thank you for all your efforts.
Hallo every body, every body Hallo,

as I still work on the Tigercat's panels I have a question especialy for You Milton:
the panel for the day and the night fighter seems to be done, now I work on tne Tanker's panels,
on which way should I continue, the cpt 1 or 2 or both variants?
I will be open to any sugestion.

I agree, the modern panel would be my choice!

New 2D Grumman F-7-F Tigercat panel

Available as usual, comments and/or suggestions welcome...




The gaucho59 panel looks like it's for a different aircraft than the one Michael has posted pics of at the start of the post. I'm quite old now, so it could well be me getting in a muddle!

Hallo every body, every body Hallo,

as I still work on the Tigercat's panels I have a question especialy for You Milton:
the panel for the day and the night fighter seems to be done, now I work on tne Tanker's panels,
on which way should I continue, the cpt 1 or 2 or both variants?
I will be open to any sugestion.

The modern panel would also be at home in a modern, restored Tigercat. By the way, instead of using the FS9 GPS-500, you could save panel space with the GPS-295 and there are also freeware GNS-430 and 530 gauges available.
F7F tigercat tanker panel

hallo every body, hallo Gaucho,

Gaucho, no no, the P-38 panel even as derivate would not go for the Tiger cat.
My self I had the idea to use some of the canopy structure for my Tiger cat panels, but a no go, they are too different.
What concerns the use of other gps gauges for the moment I use the original fs9 garmin 500 gps.
the reason is that as the dash board is quiet little size the others would be too difficult to read out.
I tried with some of the freeware garmins, but have not been glad with them. Low frame rates or ctd has been the results.
for the moment I try to find a solution other than to use the "door controls" gauge to command the the E1 and E2 exits which controls to open the doors of the water tank and the water drop.

happy engineering
Michael "Papi" Vader