FA-37 by Bruce Fitzgerald


Staff member
Has anyone ever had any success in converting this airplane to work in FS9? The readme says that it was compiled with the FS9_SDK, but the gauges are FSX. I replaced the gauges but the aircraft still causes FS9 to CTD every time. What else am I missing besides the gauges?
I believe I fixed that problem by replacing the .AIR file with one from the KBT F-18E Super Hornet. That fixed it for me and made the plane fly'right'.

Hope this helps

Thanks for the link! I never knew it was made flyable for FS9.

Falcon409, there is a conversion kit available for the FA-37 that makes the plane flyable with no problem in FS9. It can be found at simviation.com. The conversion kit was mad by Bruce Fitzgerald. I included the link to the page the kit can be found on. I know it works because I have the FA-37 installed.
Outstanding. . .thanks!!!
I'm glad you guys got the link for the conversion kit alright. To answer your question Falcon409, there is no pilot. The FA-37 was the aircraft in the movie "Stealth", which I never saw. But thanks to Wikipedia, I can tell you that the FA-37 was developed as a Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV for short), hence no pilot. I think that should answer your question Falcon :mixedsmi:.
I'm glad you guys got the link for the conversion kit alright. To answer your question Falcon409, there is no pilot. The FA-37 was the aircraft in the movie "Stealth", which I never saw. But thanks to Wikipedia, I can tell you that the FA-37 was developed as a Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV for short), hence no pilot. I think that should answer your question Falcon.
Hmmm, ok. I like the airplane, it's the first one I've found in this genre (those that purport to fly beyond Mach3) that actually does so in a stable envelope. In most cases the others basically disintegrated above 1200kts. If I do decide to drop it from my hangar it will be because of the lack of a pilot. I understand the UCAV idea, however the design features (cockpit and ejection seat) of the fwd fuselage say "manned aircraft" and it looks a bit odd without a pilot. This is in no way a slam on Bruce. . .he does some really cool aircraft and this one is no exception. . .for my way of thinking though, a low profile canopy with a dark tint would be more in keeping with the unmanned concept.

Also, just a side note. . .while these were supposed to be stealth unmanned aircraft, weren't they, in fact, manned in the movie?
Yep they were manned. And Josh Lucas even flew in the AI aircraft towards the end of the movie.
On a critic's note, the movie was good. Not Great, but good. The design of the F/A-37 was very futuristic but very modern at the same time, they did over due it a tad. The Carrier ops shots were pretty good too.
It was a summer popcorn flick. And for that it was good. Plus Jessica Biel............
mmmmm.....Jessica Biel.....I am gonna marry her one day....Justin Timberlake has nothing on me!!!! LOL!
go ahead and finish it! I always look at it this was when I do helicopter...Each person's model has its own uniqueness. The more models we have, the more we are able to enjoy the complete aircraft...
I've found that the F/A-37, once converted, every so often likes to nose over and berry itself in the ground. When it's parked of course. As soon as
I select my flight, sometimes in just noses over and registers a crash.:isadizzy:

It doesn't always do it, but it's damned anoying when it does happen.
Interesting, I just saw a file at Flightsim today for the UCAV from the movie - no images in the preview or download, but here is the file for those interested ...

FS2004 Stealth UCAV EDI

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Name: ucav_edi.zip Size: 18,936,025 Date: 05-16-2009
FS2004 Stealth UCAV EDI with full animation. The aircraft from the movie "Stealth". By Ben Moorcroft

Mike :wavey:
Interesting, I just saw a file at Flightsim today for the UCAV from the movie - no images in the preview or download, but here is the file for those interested ...UCAV EDI with full animation. The aircraft from the movie "Stealth". By Ben Moorcroft.
I don't remember much from the movie and I don't really think I watched a lot of it so to say this aircraft wasn't the one I remember wouldn't be fair to the designer. I envy anyone who can put poly's together and come up with something that even resembles a flying machine, lol.

This airplane looks a lot like a Klingon warship actually, no VC and a strange globe in the center of the 2D cockpit (which is very basic). He does state that he used Lear gauges to allow for ease of installation. Not impressed. Also, this is one of those which says it will accelerate to mach5 but actually goes completely out of control before it gets close to that.

I'll stick with Bruce's thanks.