Facilities causing Mission not to load!


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Gday all,Ive just got BoB going and have found some facilities missing,after removing these from the Mission the sim works.
These are some,where could i look for these?any pointers.

<Facility ID="9827" Type="Docklands_fs" Lat="N51*30'6.0137&quot;" Lon="E0*2'4.3651&quot;" heading="0" Country="Britain"/>
<Facility ID="9626" Type="industrial_factory_large1_fs" Lat="N51*31'9.1652&quot;" Lon="E0*2'4.0790&quot;" heading="0" Country="Britain"/>
<Facility ID="9625" Type="industrial_factory_large1_fs" Lat="N51*31'11.0081&quot;" Lon="E0*1'1.1470&quot;" heading="0" Country="Britain"/>
<Facility ID="9624" Type="Docklands_fs" Lat="N51*30'24.7328&quot;" Lon="E0*1'27.0406&quot;" heading="0" Country="Britain"/>
So, are you using the latest BoB? That has these facilities present so are you saying it's a facility issue or some mission issue? I have done a search through missions with notepad++ and found a mission 7th Sept RAF Polish 303 Hurricanes.xml and 7th Sept RAF Polish 303 Hurricanes FC.xml which have those facilities in the same location but also many 7th September missions have them. You need those facilities for LW bombing. If you can't find them I could zip them up for you,
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