Facility files and spawns


What is the relationship between a facility file and a spawn? Can one make a spawn of a facility file? I am thinking of making runway approach lights such that they only are visible in the same way a spawn would work; in other words only activated on the actual runway being used; not the other ones. In fact I would like to make the whole set of runway approach and runway lights as one big facility/spawn centered over the airfield coordinates???
Sounds feasible James, Tenspeed has just uploaded a tutorial that may cover this. The other way it may work is to make the lights as a 'gun' that fires the light at you in the same way the the radio chatter or siren works.
Sounds feasible James, Tenspeed has just uploaded a tutorial that may cover this. The other way it may work is to make the lights as a 'gun' that fires the light at you in the same way the the radio chatter or siren works.
I was talking to Ted about Loremz and other things and this is a quote from him

[FONT=&quot]On the Lorenz, remember too that there was a visual piece and a lighted strobe type light in the instrument that directed the pilot if he was left/right and altitude. I made something that could work once seem to have deleted it. Not all that hard to do. I also have made about 20 sound files for the different radio beacons (Otto, Phillip, etc) based on telegraph key codes. That is Otto, is a repeating telegraph code spelling Otto that repeats over and over. What I thought you could do is place a series of guns (AA) along a path and if the plane flies toward the radio beacon the guns would fire (sound) and the pilot would know that the beacon was near. Now that all the beacons were lighted this seems a bit extra. These are all possibilities that I played with and they worked just too much to do and no real motivation other than hey it can be done.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Send this to gecko and see what he thinks."[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I did make a radar screen (three dials) that from about 6 miles guided you toward your target, It had all three axises (sic). What I did was create guns for the needles and gave them a range of 7 miles. Once the target came into range the radar needles moved and you could really hunt down your target. It was very difficult but it worked. Never did anything more than make it work."

[FONT=&quot]Unfortunately, as he says, it seems it's lost/deleted. That's also in line with Daniel's reply to my previous Lorenz post.[/FONT][FONT=&quot] A good thing it's on Daniel's list![/FONT]:jump:
As far as I can tell from reading, spawns only work on aircraft and vehicles. Is that correct? Not facility files?


The lights are vehicles, so they can be spawned. BUT when you make a facility, there is a range at which it becomes visible, wonder it that could be used somehow. Also in speaking with SES, he claims runway lights were NOT easily visible from the air and that they spread their light horizontally. That is why O1 made the dim lights for the runway. The only lights that spread light both vertically and horizontally were the apron lights (red). Our stuff does not. I guess the runway effects code could be such that the lights sign a certain way but never did much with that kind of stuff.


Did you get the diagrams for the landbahns that I sent you?
Yes and thanks Ted I got your stuff from SES; 2 of which were new to me. Also yr idea re facility visibility range is something I can look into while the appraoch lights may be spawnable if vehicle formation set up allows for what I want. Lots of testing to be done! Also of course will have to do a daylight version of all the NJG fields (along with daylight searchlights) for non TOW ops/installs. I might release that/those for ETO use earlier in any case.