facility id nb


Charter Member
Is there a way to find the proper facility id nb?
I have found that often a game crashes because the facility id nb in the goal section is wrong.
I have also noticed that this number may change from one theater to the other.
Often I finally get the game working by delething the goal section.
For example what would be the London facility id nb in OFF ?
lond524 does not work.
Thanks !
Just create a mission and place that facility somewhere else and fly over it to discover, or open the file with a xml editor to see what's in it
I always thought, if a mission crashes because a facility doesn't work, the facility as specified in the xml file does not exist or something is wrong with the m3d file........(?)
There are a number of different ID numbers in the mission xml.

The FaciltiyID can be found in the global layer.csv. So the FaciltiyID is going to be unique to the theater. i.e CFS3 ETO Expansion theater global layer entries will not be present in all eras......... OFF GL entries will not be the same for a stock CFS3 theater. So you may not find a FaciltiyID from another theater in your OFF theater.

You can quickly find a gl entry by opening the csv and use the edit and then find function to quicky search for the entry that you are looking for.

Generally air formation, ground formation, route IDs must be unique and not duplicated within the mission xml or you will have mission crashes.