Failed to load texture: *.DDS - popups - but texture loads


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I'm alllllll new at this, finally purchased and installed Steve's DX10 Fixer... I'm happy with the program but I have an issue. Since the initial install (I selected the recommended setting each time) I have problems with some addon aircraft. When I load aircraft, switch views... blah blah blah, I get popup windows listing files (confirmed as present in the aircraft texture folders) are not loading, but as far as I can tell, they are loading visually.

I have skimmed through the manual and done some searching but have not found an answer to this issue.

I have also uninstalled and returned to DX9 (with multiple sim restarts), and the problem is still present. Loading the default C-172, no issue, loading the Carenado 690B, there are 8 on the initial load, 3-4 more when I switch to the exterior. sometimes one more when I re-enter the cockpit, I've not flown for than a few minutes to see what to expect for a longer light. Loading the A2A P-40, I had one pop-up.

I don't know what to do to stop these warning pop-ups.

I restored my system to a point just before the install of the fixer and there is no longer an issue when running DX9... I want those cockpit shadows though... going to try again asap. I'd still like to know what I should do going forward, thankful for any advice.

Example below:
No longer an issue

I created a system restore point prior to installing Steve's Fixer. Running this corrected the issue and it has not yet resurfaced since installing and continuing to enjoy the cockpit shadows and other improvements.