Fairey Battle to the Med


Charter Member
Well, I've done something wrong, again.

I downloaded the mission and installed it according to the instructions along with Batle_sa_m.zip.

Then I put the spawn selector in Legacy mode, and started the mission.

Right back to the desktop with no messages of any kind.

Thoughts on where I should look????

Thanks in advance.
I don't think it's the mission or associated files.

Last time you've exit MAW, it was probably after you tested the Battle in quick combat and now, MAW don't load because of the sound.cfg.

Remove the Battle from your aircraft folder and try to restart MAW, this may work. I often have this issue when I forget to setup soun.cfg
Or swop the sound.cfg files. I put two in, one for stock, aliased to the Spit, and one for MAW, aliased to the Merlin in the DR_Engine noises, or whatever it's called.
One really stupid question, apologies in advance if this isn't the case but better safe than sorry. Are you surely trying to fly it in MAW and not in ETO?
Or swop the sound.cfg files. I put two in, one for stock, aliased to the Spit, and one for MAW, aliased to the Merlin in the DR_Engine noises, or whatever it's called.
No, in this case, you must:
1- remove the aircraft
2- load the game
3- close the game
4- reinstall the aircraft
5- swap sound.cfg and delete the bdp file
6- restart the game

I've tried without removing the aircraft but it doesn't work, even if the bdp file has been removed.