Famous Flyer 8 - Cessna T207A from Carenado

It is a beauty and a great price. Was hoping for the C206B but this almost fills the mark. Hope a paint kit comes out soon.
The detail's awesome and it feels right. Haven't flown a 207, but it feels like a Cessna with its weight and power should. Dang nice for $9.99.

Yeah, I'll be picking this up. The flying station wagon. For the money, It's hard to beat the famous flyers series.
Just grabbed it. I sure hope some repaints come forward, especially some older factory ones. This is sweet. Flew a short hop and need to look at the POH for some answers. Love Carenado!

Don BP;)
Downloading very slowly Looks like I'll be here for a bit...

Finally got it, set up at KPDX to do a flight into Boeing Field, pulled up ATIS and realized I was going to be dealing with icing conditions - no thanks! So I set up in St. Croix and headed into Princess Juliana for a sunset run carrying a bunch of bottles from some guy named Morgan. I actually like this quite a bit. At 12,000' I can maintain a good cruise with 30InHg and leaned for max EGT. My only real wish is that the landing light would shine out a little more down the runway. I also realized I was coming in way to fast, but I was able to chop the throttle and get the airspeed down to the white arc, then drop the flaps into the wind to get her slowed down in time for a smooth landing and exit at the second turn-off. Panel lighting seems to leave a little to be desired, so I'll probably be sticking more to daytime flights.
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Was gone visiting children and grandkids over Christmas. Came home to find we had COVID. Well, since I can't do anything else I bought the C-T207A. What a gem! This is well worth the current $10.00 price. It flies nice and solid. Reminds me of the C-206 I got to fly a year ago. It is simple and basic. I like it!