Farewell, Geoffrey “The Boy” Wellum


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Squadron Leader Geoffrey Wellum, youngest Battle of Britain pilot, died on Wednesday. Author of the memorable First Light, he also served in Operation Pedestal and on Malta. His autobiographical book tells of a fighter pilot’s life in the RAF in the hard years of 1940-41 when his squadron nicknamed him “The Boy”. He finished the war as a test pilot and by all accounts found peacetime harder to manage than the war, but became a national figure after publishing his book, which is a highly entertaining read.

Wing Commander Tom Neil also died in June, so I’m not sure who of The Few are left now. Salute!
With the notification of each of these...there is a rather profound sense of loss. Our World is "Less" without the presence of these Great men....
Well, that's life but they have transmitted to us their story and they will never ever be forgetted. Unfortunately the world seems to have a very short memory and the same war and horror stories are witnessed everyday over and over again.... will it ever stop one day?
I loved his book. He was very modest about his remarkable achievement - to survive the hardest years with the RAF - 1940-41. I remember his gripping account of his first encounter with the new FW 190, when flying (IIRC) a Spitfire Vb. Apparently he went around and around in tight circles until the "butcher bird" ran out of ammo!

I was so sorry to hear of his passing, especially on top of the loss of Tom Neil last week. I feel we are losing the last of the finest generation that this country has produced.

I have the dvd of First Light, and have watched it countless times. it's up there with The Battle of Britain movie and A Piece of Cake. If anyone hasn't seen it, it's a must see.
A sad loss, a really nice guy from his tv interviews that were very enligbtening and sharing personal insights.

I was so sorry to hear of his passing, especially on top of the loss of Tom Neil last week. I feel we are losing the last of the finest generation that this country has produced.

I have the dvd of First Light, and have watched it countless times. it's up there with The Battle of Britain movie and A Piece of Cake. If anyone hasn't seen it, it's a must see.

I Pat. Where can i get Peace of Cake ? could n´t find it at amazon.