FBW A380 to release in MSFS2020 only, MSFS2024????


Recent media activity from the FBW A380 camp suggests they are not too far off releasing the aircraft in MSFS2020 and from what I have read so far, a release in MSFS2024 is a long way off, if at all.
This is one I have waited for for a long time so MSFS2020 will not be completely parked when I got to MSFS2024.:)
Asobo has been saying that '20 addons will work in '24, but my guess is that they just won't have all the bells and whistles of the new sim.
From what I have read, FBW is not keen on people trying to import the 2020, 380 into 2024 as they believe it won't work satisfactorily.
Release date is 31st October. The Devs reported in their livestream tonight that the aircraft has performed well in the Tech Alpha version of MSFS 2024.