FCS Wellington


Well, nuts.

I've been thinking about the First Class Simulations Wellington, but I can't seem to find the download version for a decent price.

I've done several searches and found the CD box version for around $30. However, the FCS site sells either the box or download version for $36. It doesn't make any sense.

Does anybody know of any other site where one can purchase the download version??


I just went ahead and bought the $36.00 DL version direct.
If I had opted for the 'cheaper' boxed version it would have cost roughly $15.00 extra in 'shipping and handling' to Oz.
What do you think about the Wellington, Wombat? Is she worth the price?


What do you think about the Wellington, Wombat? Is she worth the price?


At the moment, yes...

I finally took the plunge this evening and got the Welly. Just so happens there is a sale at the site, so that was nice. :woot:

Got it installed and took a quick flight. Very nice. Beautiful textures. Great sounds. Handles as it should. Full 2D and VC. All switches work. Usual animations. Only issue I noted was a flickering texture on the oil pressure gauge in the VC. I should also mention that it was easy on the framerates, as I have an older machine. :applause:

Gotta go read the manual, now.

I am pretty sure the oil pressure niggly was fixed, so it might be worth enquiring about a patch.

Don't forget that for the price, if I know my stuff correctly, you get both the FS9 package and a true FSX package. Unless they are sold separately.

What do you think about the Wellington, Wombat? Is she worth the price?

Pretty much the same views as WarHorse47.
A vast improvement over their previous releases as well, only thing missing is a Merlin powered version.
I'm beginning to have some mixed feelings about this aircraft.

I'm still not having any luck tracking down any patches for the gauges. Not only is there a flicker with the oil pressure gauges, but I noticed that the artifical horizon is way off in the VC. It indicates I'm climbing when in fact I'm straight and level. And the 2D RPM gauge seems to me missing one of its hands.

The addon scenery is nice, but all the static Wimpys lack texture.

There is one inaccuracy I noted as well. The tail wheel should retract. The only model where the tail wheel did not retract was on the prototype according to my references.

I still like the aircraft. It handles well, and the sounds and external textures are really nice. I did make a couple changes. One was to swap out the GPS for a popup compass for better naviagation. Also, there is no VC night lighting so I added my own. Much nicer.

I've sent in a couple e-mails to FCS Support, but have not received a single response. That doesn't say much for the company.

I got her yesterday morning and she's wonderful. I made, without reading the manual, a series of touch & goes and I'm impressed with the flight characteristics. I'm debating about trying another sound pack; the original one just sounds a little too 'light', but that's MY opinion and not a criticism. Now I need to go do some reading. Well worth the price, IMHO.

Thanks for all the advice and reviews, guys.:ernae:

I'm beginning to have some mixed feelings about this aircraft.

I'm still not having any luck tracking down any patches for the gauges. Not only is there a flicker with the oil pressure gauges, but I noticed that the artifical horizon is way off in the VC. It indicates I'm climbing when in fact I'm straight and level. And the 2D RPM gauge seems to me missing one of its hands.

The addon scenery is nice, but all the static Wimpys lack texture.

There is one inaccuracy I noted as well. The tail wheel should retract. The only model where the tail wheel did not retract was on the prototype according to my references.

I still like the aircraft. It handles well, and the sounds and external textures are really nice. I did make a couple changes. One was to swap out the GPS for a popup compass for better naviagation. Also, there is no VC night lighting so I added my own. Much nicer.

I've sent in a couple e-mails to FCS Support, but have not received a single response. That doesn't say much for the company.


I'm looking into the non-textured' Wimpys. If I remember correctly I only put them in the FS9 version as they use AF* textures which don't work in FSX.
Herd of albinos

I'm looking into the non-textured' Wimpys. If I remember correctly I only put them in the FS9 version as they use AF* textures which don't work in FSX.
Mickey D
Thanks. Wish I could get someone to respond on the gauges.

Night lighting- should be present. All of the gauges are lit as is the cockpit.
Tech support- I don't think it operates on a weekend. I don't think.
Night lighting- should be present. All of the gauges are lit as is the cockpit.
Yes, the gauges are lit but only when the landing lights are turned on.

No, there is no VC lighting. You cannot see the panel, switches or anything other than the gauges.

There are two lines in the [lights] section that are disabled. When enabled they place the VC lighting well to the back of the plane and no where near the cockpt. I added my own so now there's a soft glow in the cockpit along with the lit gauges.

Tech support- I don't think it operates on a weekend. I don't think.
I guess it depends on what country they work out of. Tomorrow is my Sunday, so maybe its their Monday? :friday:

I am pretty sure the oil pressure niggly was fixed, so it might be worth enquiring about a patch.

Don't forget that for the price, if I know my stuff correctly, you get both the FS9 package and a true FSX package. Unless they are sold separately.
And I think I heard they included a period airbase in the boxed version.

OOPS. There's notes on this thread that already talks about that. Jeez I hate it when that happens. :caked:
The addon scenery is nice, but all the static Wimpys lack texture.

OK warhorse I've looked at my copy of the disk. it appears that somehow the static Wimpy textures are in the the FSX Driffield texture folder instead of the FS9 version.

Solution: install the FSX version and copy the textures from RAF Driffield FSX/texture to RAF Driffield FS9/texture. You should be able to simply uninstall the FSX ver. afterwards.
The textures are all named welling.*af. There are 11 of them.