FDG Hellcat


Charter Member
Morton's F6F-5 skins require the FDG F6F-5 which I cannot find either under CFS2 aircraft nor CFS2 Donationware. Can someone point me toward it, please?

- H52
I believe it will, but it's been a long time since I have flown a Hellcat in FS9. I installed the stock FS-2002 Corsair into FS9 and it worked fine. I believe the CFS2 Hog and the FS8 Hog have the same FDE, but don't quote me. Give it a go... and remember, if the model goes bouncing down the runway on it's tail, there is prolly an FDE mod out there somewhere that'll fit.:greenbo:

Will this work in FS9. I've been looking for a Hellcat for FS9 for a while.


Yep, it works pretty darn well in FS9. Needs some FDE tweaks to get it to fly a bit better, but nothing that some down trim won't take care of in the mean time. The VC is pretty decent for a CFS2 bird...it even has animated stick and pedals. Mapping is good, so repaints will be easy to do.

Yep, it works pretty darn well in FS9. Needs some FDE tweaks to get it to fly a bit better, but nothing that some down trim won't take care of in the mean time. The VC is pretty decent for a CFS2 bird...it even has animated stick and pedals. Mapping is good, so repaints will be easy to do.


Thanks. Gonna give it a try!

anyone else have a funky target hud in the VC ? appears like I'm missing a texture on both the 5 and 5N models.

I see (or don't see) 5 textures - They're missing from from both the F6F-5 and 5N CFS2 models in our archive:

F4U-1A_C.bmp- found that one in the FDGv2 F4U1c a/c
P_47_VC_MAP.BMP- unable to locate in any FDG or FDGv2 P-47 in our archive
BUS_PILOT_1.bmp- Unable to locate
US_PILOT_2.BMP- unable to locate
PROP_US.bmp- unable to locate (but will substitute p-47 prop and see what happens). My prop is transparent.

If anyone knows where to locate these missing textures I'd be very grateful.
What happened ??

Cannot find this model for FS9 anywhere? There are still skins in the SOH Library for the CFS2 and FS9 models. Can anyone help?
Thanks very much. It looks like there was both a CFS2 and an FS9 model. There doesn't seem to be any link to the FS9 model anymore. I am trying to convert this F6F to use in FSX as ai and the CFS2 model gets the error message "model could not be displayed."
I have a copy @ home, if you need it I'll put a link to my dropbox. IIRC it had VC issues (missing).
There was a FDG2 version IIRC too, that I could never lay my hands on (maybe it was a wildcat and I've lost my mind).
Thanks I have an FSX update I think of the CFS2 default F6F (which is just ok) but would like to track down the FDGv2 model for FS9 - if it does exist! This has some good repaints for it too.