These are mandatory files needed for the fdgp61_3_pac files: Wolfi's crew figures, 2d and VC panel & gauges, drop tanks, pylons, and 1600 lb. bomb. The other required downloads are Dbolt's and Fighter Design Group from the Sim-Outhouse CFS2 download library. This is the 3rd revision of the FDG P-61 based on previous work done by Captain Tenneal (model rescaling as part II) and the original FDG model. Please read the credits for all that made this update/revision possible. Enjoy!
I would only like to say please read the original Readme to get the low down on who built the model and all that goes with it! I only used the original FSC that was posted on the FDG site at the time the original model was done in FSDSv1 and we all know it's limitations I have only recompiled the model in FSDSv2 and added shine to the model still don't know how to do VC's but the Original had a VC cept that gauges are just textures that how this one is also a gain the hard work was done way before I got this model and I would like to thank the Original FDG folks, and the FDGv2 gang that keep steaming along releasing great models that we all enjoy and for supporting CFS2!