While ORBX has just released their England package for FSX, I have been working on new FS9 textures for all the world.
I have been meaning to release them as very reasonably priced 5$ (all the world, all seasons) because I need some extra money but have held off because I anticipate the product being pirated more or less right away.
But a few days ago because a buddy started a project on kickstarter, I have been toying with the idea of releasing it as a crowdfunded project.
As I understand it this would mean setting a target sum and people can then pay whatever they feel is fair. If the target is not met, everybody gets their money back.
If it is met, I get the collected money minus a commission for the crowdfunding site and release the product to everyone who paid into the pot (the crowdfunding site keeps track), no matter how much they put in.
This seems a very fair deal with no risk or grief for anyone.
My question is: Do you think this would work for a flightsim project?
I don't know if this has been tried before!
I would appreciate any sage advice, remarks or ideas on this dilemma from you - the most fairminded open FS community I know:salute:!
Now for the more fun bit: I added some screenshots below.
Unfortunately I am no great screenshot artist, so these are just pulled from FS9 with no edits although I tried to make them look interesting. Cockpit shots only so you get an idea of how they look inflight. I don't know how to do a proper video, mine always are much too big or too low-res when they are smaller. If somebody could point me to a tutorial I would love to do a video because that shows FS off much better than screenshots.
The add-ons I use are UT for USA and Europe, the REX "realistic" sky and clouds theme, enbseries bloom and some freeware landclasses and airports. All other ground, ocean, inland water, airport textures etc. are mine.
They are very realistic and have custom and very dense autogen. Of course they are not as crisp as FSX textures but I have done my best to overcome that limitation.
View attachment 75724 England
View attachment 75722 English weather
View attachment 75725 Germany
View attachment 75728 Continental Europe
View attachment 75727 Continental Europe
View attachment 75729 USA
View attachment 75730 USA
View attachment 75731 Asia
I will add some more screenshots after going out for groceries.
I have been meaning to release them as very reasonably priced 5$ (all the world, all seasons) because I need some extra money but have held off because I anticipate the product being pirated more or less right away.
But a few days ago because a buddy started a project on kickstarter, I have been toying with the idea of releasing it as a crowdfunded project.
As I understand it this would mean setting a target sum and people can then pay whatever they feel is fair. If the target is not met, everybody gets their money back.
If it is met, I get the collected money minus a commission for the crowdfunding site and release the product to everyone who paid into the pot (the crowdfunding site keeps track), no matter how much they put in.
This seems a very fair deal with no risk or grief for anyone.
My question is: Do you think this would work for a flightsim project?
I don't know if this has been tried before!
I would appreciate any sage advice, remarks or ideas on this dilemma from you - the most fairminded open FS community I know:salute:!
Now for the more fun bit: I added some screenshots below.
Unfortunately I am no great screenshot artist, so these are just pulled from FS9 with no edits although I tried to make them look interesting. Cockpit shots only so you get an idea of how they look inflight. I don't know how to do a proper video, mine always are much too big or too low-res when they are smaller. If somebody could point me to a tutorial I would love to do a video because that shows FS off much better than screenshots.
The add-ons I use are UT for USA and Europe, the REX "realistic" sky and clouds theme, enbseries bloom and some freeware landclasses and airports. All other ground, ocean, inland water, airport textures etc. are mine.
They are very realistic and have custom and very dense autogen. Of course they are not as crisp as FSX textures but I have done my best to overcome that limitation.
View attachment 75724 England
View attachment 75722 English weather
View attachment 75725 Germany
View attachment 75728 Continental Europe
View attachment 75727 Continental Europe
View attachment 75729 USA
View attachment 75730 USA
View attachment 75731 Asia
I will add some more screenshots after going out for groceries.