Fellow Simmers your attention please


My dear fellows fs9 simmers,

I would like to bring your attention on a brilliant developper Joseph Cepek, who has developped stunning Mig's series and prototypes for fs2004 as freeware (see Heads up here on the forum)
I visit his page (http://dcn44dt-okb-eee.webnode.cz/) on a regular basis and I recently saw a message from him, saying he regrets the lack of interest of simmers regarding the work he has done and is curently doing.

I sent him a message to encourage him to keep going on Fs development, I started to skin his Mig-21PF, maybe you could also send to him kind words or encouragement. I would certainly be glad knowing we follow his work with attention and we enjoy flying his models.

Sadly, from the few freeware developpers still active for fs9, more and more quit fs world for the reasons above.




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Very special models indeed, he may not know it but they mostly work fine in FSX also, and on a personnal note, i would gladly pay for the completed Mig19 on his projects page, an e-mail of encouragement is a good idea.
and thanks for the link to his site :wavey:

cheers ian
his website is hard to find... and hard to read... There is an obvious solution for him to be recognized as he merits. Please, tell him !

Ok! But how can i get her (Mig 21)? Site perfectly incomprehensible for latin alphabet writers/readers!:banghead:

Have a look on Avsimrus, pretty much everything has been uploaded there :wavey:

cheers ian

tip, right click on your mouse and scroll to "translate to english" his site becomes perfectly understandable
Yes, I just sent an email. Normally I download from avsim.ru
Thanks for the heads up!:encouragement:
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My dear fellows fs9 simmers,

I would like to bring your attention on a brilliant developper Joseph Cepek, who has developped stunning Mig's series and prototypes for fs2004 as freeware (see Heads up here on the forum)
I visit his page (http://dcn44dt-okb-eee.webnode.cz/) on a regular basis and I recently saw a message from him, saying he regrets the lack of interest of simmers regarding the work he has done and is curently doing.

I sent him a message to encourage him to keep going on Fs development, I started to skin his Mig-21PF, maybe you could also send to him kind words or encouragement. I would certainly be glad knowing we follow his work with attention and we enjoy flying his models.

Sadly, from the few freeware developpers still active for fs9, more and more quit fs world for the reasons above.


Nice post and well done. He has developed some awesome looking aircraft.
His stuff is really good. I have tried many versions of the 21 and they all seem to have some weakness, I am hoping someone with direct knowledge can make it accurate. My only complaint is I just hate Google translation. I am really looking forward to trying out the analog for the Tu-144 variant. The planform reminds me a lot of the LEXs on the F/A-18 Hornet, the worlds finest strike fighter!
