Fictional Go 229 skins


Charter Member
I found these skins hiding away on my HD, they were destined for Reg's, but Greg is no longer active in CFS3, so will upload here soon!
Bloody hell, John, I want to know what you were smoking! :isadizzy:

I'll be off to get them... Further suggestions - How about ANR, RAF and Soviet versions..?
:icon_lol: :icon_lol:I did say they were fictional!

Yes, the desert scheme seems to work well on it, I'll get them uploaded ASAP!
I did go 229 skins for AVH, but it looks like it wasn't uploaded, (I thought it was) before they left CFS3?
So I'm sorry for any confusion, looks like it's just stock then!:redf:

I did some checking, and there are other skins I've done for other models for AvH that were never released in time, it's just the way it happens sometimes, it no problem, Me and Kevin must have been way ahead of Greg? LOL
I'll have to dig them out and upload! No point in wasting them.
I'll have to dig them out and upload! No point in wasting them.

Absolutely agreed! :ipepsi2:

From what I've understood there were quite a few very interesting models under development that never got finished. It's a bit of a shame but the world has to change.
if you have anything else left behind by AvH, upload them or face a court martial.:mad:

I only have the skins!

I doubt very much, FM's were made for any unreleased AvH aircraft?
So don't worry, you haven't lost anything!
I have the same problem with the FFVS J-22. I've done the skins, but the original FM and DM for the model are way off, so I haven't released anything yet.

Ideally, I should contact the model maker and ask him if he'd be happy for us to fiddle around with it!

Meanwhile, if we're going to be what-iffing, I use the Firepower modified Ho-229 rather than the stock Go-229. It's the same model, but tweaked a bit. Free, on... Flightsim? Simviation? Something like that, anyway.