File Library Teams


Staff member
We need Teams of members to help us restore the file library to this server. I would prefer to tackle this with members from each forum section.

The new file library has the same structure as the old library. One for one we need to download the files and then upload them here. I almost have a document done to show you how to upload files here. I need to know who will be helping us so I can get permissions set correctly. Once the file is uploaded you will change the file owner to the original member who uploaded it.

Once it is uploaded here I want to remove it from the old library.

All covered in the document I think... Still writing it

And on another note uploads at our old server are shut off. Upload all new files to this server. The resources section is actually pretty cool.

Please reply in the thread below with your intention to help and which section you will help with.

Would be willing to take on the FS2004 Cold War repaints section and possibly the scenery as well since I contribute or use these sections extensively. Let me know if I can help.

FS 2004 Library Category
Person uploading to new library
FS 2004 Aircraft (NA Category)​
__FS 2004 Military - Props (Done)​
ian elliot
__FS 2004 Civilian Props (Done)​
ian elliot
__FS 2004 Military - Jets (Done)​
ian elliot
__FS 2004 Civilian Jets (Done)​
__FS 2004 Military - Helicopters (Done)​
__FS 2004 Civilian Helicopters (Done)​
FS 2004 Panels (Done)​
ian elliot
FS 2004 Effects (Done)​
FS 2004 Sounds (Done)​
ian elliot
FS 2004 Utilities (Done)​
ian elliot
FS 2004 Scenery (Done)​
ian elliot
FS 2004 Skins (NA Category)​
__FS 2004 Military skins - World War II (Done)​
ian elliot
__FS 2004 Military skins - Cold War (Done)​
__FS 2004 Military skins - General (Done)​
__FS 2004 Military skins - Helicopters (Done)​
__FS 2004 Military skins - Post Cold War (Done)​
__FS 2004 Civilian propeller skins (Done)​
Klein and AVP
__FS 2004 Civilian helicopter skins (Done)​
__FS 2004 Military skins - Korean Era(Done)​
__FS 2004 Civilian jet skins (Done)​
__FS 2004 Military skins - World War I(Done)​
__FS 2004 Military skins - Vietnam (Done)​
__FS 2004 Jankees skins - Military (Done)​
Captain Kurt
__FS 2004 Jankees skins - Civilian (Done)​
FS 2004 Other (Done)​
ian elliot

Instruction PDF to help if people upload to the new Libary.

One thing I failed to add to the PDF. If you have Resources editor permissions and the owner isn't member of SOH anymore make the owner of the upload NMG and is the catch all for old CombatFS members, members who did not sign backup after the 2008 crash or has since left SOH.
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@AVP Message Dangerousdave26. He can get you put onto the master list he has and give you Resources editor permissions so you can transfer ownership of files you upload to the right person plus add you to the Warbirds Library V4 group message. Also look at the PDF attached above if you need some help.
Thanks, still finding my way around the new site. Just stumbled on to this. I will check out the PDF and hopefully start Sunday.
So when will I know I have the permissions to start this? Warbirds Library V4 group message?


If you messaged Dangerousdave26 and he is taking the weekend off but you want to start now. You can BUT MAKE SURE you copy and paste the Submitted by *USER_NAME* and put it at the bottom of the Description. Than message me when you done for the day and I can do the ownership transfer.

What category do you want? and go to the Resources and make sure no one has stared working on the category you want.
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I plan to start with Cold War repaints for fs2004 to start with then maybe other repaints as they are some of the largest categories. It maybe tomorrow before I start since it’s Mother’s Day
Can the above table be updated with who is doing what and what is completed or is there a place I can look at it?

From the Warbirds Library V4 group PM the list was mostly up to date. I updated it to show ian elliot had done the FS 2004 Other. Far as I know the table is now up to date but it would be good to compare the 2 libraries.
Hi Allen, Im back and i'll make a start on FS2004 Aircraft, beginning with Military props.
Just for the record, all FS2004 Utilities are done also
I have moved on to FSX Cold War repaints of which I can tell many are just fs2004 versions, makes this task rather tedious doing the same ones over again.

Hi Allen, all FS2004 military props moved over. Will move on to both FS2004 Civilian props and FS2004 Military jets
All FS2004 Civilian props moved over, 161 files,
8 files moved to FS2004 Civilian props repaints
On to Military jets
All FSX Cold War skins have be4en moved over. Will move on to FSX Vietnam skins (after a short rest)
I plan to move back to FS2004 since that is my primary sim and take on Military Skins - General since it does not look like anyone has that yet.
Im trying to decide what to do next, im thinking i should start on "FS2004 Skins WW2 military" if there's any chance of getting 1700 files done by 7/31, Im not really looking forward to it, im a bit slower then some and ive got stuff going on in the real world and theres a chance i may not make it, but it leaves the smaller categories for others to clear and maybe i'll get some help at the end if i need it, is this a plan?

To update your list, FS2004 Utilities and FS2004 Military jets are done, and check with AVP, i think he's done some repaint categories as well
When I was working with Klein on the CFS2 Maxstuka section. We would just DM each other the page/file we last uploaded so the other person knew where to pick things up from.
Ian, I am working the military general for 2004 at the moment and should be done in a few days. You could take on the other small ones then we could work the large one together after that though it does sound daunting to tackle. There are still other FSX repaint categories that need t be done as well and not sure I see anyone working on that either besides the ones I have done, which were the ones I was most interested in preserving. I am focusing on the one I care about most first then moving to others