Fire Power Reinstall


Yesterday I was looking at backups I had on an old external hard drive and came across my old CFS 3 install. I lost my Fire Power disk years ago and was wondering if I moved all the FP files from the old install into ETO, would it work or am I setting myself up for a CTD nightmare?

I also came across an old MAW install that just never seemed to run well on the old rig/Vid card combo, so I dropped that onto my SSD and launched it an it is amazing! I'd forgotten what a target rich environment it is even in Free Flight. Tanks, Ships galore!
The trouble with placing Firepower over the top of ETO will be compatibility with the FP pylons, weapons, and special effects. The aircraft themselves will most likely be okay. FP first then ETO is a safer bet.
It won't let me install FP from scratch. I get a msg that my CFS3 install is corrupt.....maybe it should be installed to the vanilla CFS3 install?
Yes, Firepower replaces things like your effects.xml, so it's looking for plain vanilla as the starting point.