Firefighter X in P3d


I see on the sales sites that Firefighter X works in FSX and P3d V2 and up. What about a 1.5 user like me? Does it work like FSX/Steam or like P3d with the new buckets for helos and addon tanks? Or do I have to make the painful upgrade to V2?
I see on the sales sites that Firefighter X works in FSX and P3d V2 and up. What about a 1.5 user like me? Does it work like FSX/Steam or like P3d with the new buckets for helos and addon tanks? Or do I have to make the painful upgrade to V2?
Since V1.4 (I didn't know there was a 1.5) was basically a rehash of FSX/Accel I would have to assume that it would work fine. V2 is where P3D started to shine a bit and move away from some of the cumbersome FSX coding.