Firefox probs with Forum text editor


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As I was having some problems with the way IE worked some of the other sites I use I downloaded Firefox. It is great with all site except here. When I am typing a post, I cannot actuate any of the tools or smilies. There are no details in the font and pint size boxes either. Any suggestions guys? Beau
I don't think so. Is that an Add-On? If it is then it's not listed. Pardon my ignorance, I'm still getting used to Firefox. Thanks for the quick reply.
:bump:Rather and wait for a response from the Firefox porum which I posted yesteday, I un-installed and re-installed. Works fine now:jump:
I looked and do have the .NET Framework Assistant extension. It was easier to remove than this article suggested as the uninstall wasn't greyed out. So it may be the vulnerablities have been worked out.

But it's working anyway now. But thanks Bob for that.