Firepower and ETO?


Charter Member
Initially, there was uncertainty whether Firepower would work with had not been tested.
Has anyone successfully applied Firepower to ETO?
Firepower P-15D 'Mustang'


I had successfully copy the Firepower version of P-15D 'Mustang' to work with ETO, so that part does work. Now the rest, I do not know yet. I could look into that... The thing that you should keep in mind for doing this: Are you planning to play on-line (multiplaying)? This method, of course, would cause 'mis-matched aircraft error' in most cases... However, the Firepower does have a Multiplayer utility to activate only 'stock' planes to play multiplaying (only for the original Microsoft Combat Simulator 3 stock planes).

I'll keep you posted on that... I expect you to do the same as well---I would very much like to know as well.

By the way, the Firepower version that I had came from the 'Aircraft Powerpack' CD.
...if ya install FP over ETO ya will loose some effects that ETO has...
back up before install..

and the a/c has pylons and stuff that DONT work with ETO..ya will can, however edit ya XPD to the avh ones and you will be in business:monkies:

Don't install FP over ETO. If you want the a/c I suggest you swap out all the weapons for the equivalent AvHist ones. There will be a small proggie from Bob Park which will do this for some a/c. Maybe when that is released you can compare what it does to the a/c and do it to otheres. that's what Iplan to do. You can go to the site and Solomons PTO and see the same idea there,
thanks guys for your input..

but i've decided to leave well enough alone. no multi-player issues since i'm not online. plenty of a/c and effects in ETO are just fine. i will enjoy eto as is and await 1.3 and i have another cfs3 w firepower installed to enjoy. i'm happy