Firepower Flak Effect


Charter Member 2012
Just a quick question. I think the ETO effects are amazing. I also really like the effect in Firepower that makes the cockpit light up at night when a flak burst occurs. Does anyone know how I could possibly add this to the ETO effects? Ive tried and failed so any help would be great. Cheers!
I agree m8...the FP effects are good....I love the lightenin up effect too..but..the EtO do so as well...The effects are redone/edited for ETO and if you know the names of the effects its a simple copy and paste /replace this what u have done????

BUT noone has tested ETO and FP so we havent seen it....try sure to back up files first

Yeah I did have a go and realised half way through it was a little more tricky than I thought! :isadizzy: I wasnt totally sure which part of the file to copy a paste to get the desired effect. All I managed to do was to change the flak explosion not the actually lighting effect. Was hoping someone would could maybe guide me in the right direction. But as said I love the effects in ETO!
m8....there are alot of parameters to deal with...try and edit ...a trial and error....thats my 2 pence worth....
I just encourage u to keep experiment with files..
Cheers. Will have another try, Im still learning but hopefully I might find it. Will let you know if i do! Ive also got a alternative start up file for the Me 109 engine sound in ETO. Wasnt sure to upload it or not. If any one wants it i can. Im sure I can hear a camera taking a photo in the ETO version. Might just be me though! :costumes: