Firepower for ETO


Charter Member
Need help from the experts please!

I want to add in the effects .xml the firepower-lines for the fx_abomb. But I don't know which lines I need. I cannot change the whole .xml, because in my .xml there are many other add ons. Do you know the lines I will need?

Would be grateful for advice !!

Best regards

It can be tricky to sort out the lines of individual effects in the xml. I'm guessing that the FP mods were just added onto the end of the stock effects.xml. If so all you would need to do is copy and paste the block of FP effects into the ETO effects xml (before the last line).

Does that make sense?
No, Clive. Doesn't make sense. I tested it, no success.

You are right, it is not possible to sort out.

But I have a solution: I take stock CFS3, add Firepower and put the effects at the end of the ETO effects .xml upon the last line. Everything is working very fine. All my effect add ons are working and now also all necessary contents for fx_abomb.

