

Moving on from daytime smoke effects, I'm trying to work on firestorm effects using Coventry as a test.
While the effects through a bomb-sight look good, I'm not at all happy with the distant effects. I also get the same circular effect with target indicators; it's a very flat ground level bright circle which looks unrealistic IMO.

Distant view


bomb run


and away!



  • Conventry Firestorm test 4.jpg
    Conventry Firestorm test 4.jpg
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  • Conventry Firestorm test 3.jpg
    Conventry Firestorm test 3.jpg
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  • Conventry Firestorm test1.jpg
    Conventry Firestorm test1.jpg
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Looks good to me M....

I know they talk about heat and flames going up thousands of feet, at Hamburg, Berlin etc, but the sim has a limit.

Also, depends what height and distance you're at? If your fires are covering a scale and known size area, then apart from getting that fairly accurate it's down to the sim and the effects. Another way would be design/write your own firestorm effects.

In real life don't forget low cloud, fog, smog, smoke etc all effect how a fire would be seen from the air.



Dresden and Braunschweig
If you are talking strictly about effects as in effects.xml then I am using what is there. The vehicles, buildings and facilitities are a mish mash from SPQR stuff he did for me and ACC/ETO stuff done by Clive and others plus stuff from Dan, which I have just messed with. I'm pretty sure the xml effects were from those guys.