First adventure with P3 - and Q.: Graphic card ?



i took off (pun intended) for three times, before transfering to another PC, currently installing OFF here - this PC also has a P5k mobo, but with a Nvidia GeFOrce 7300 LE passive cooling card in it - so if this one will not work good enough, which one would you advise ? I must say i like a passive card, but ...

This is really a new game, took off two times with a 1 1/2 strutter, shot down a balloon (not so easy now), was damaged, engine sounded great with it's deteriorating big-end bearings or whatever came loose, but ran out of fuel before the engine seized, emergency landing in no-man's land, captured, escaped after 19 days. Second take-off with the strutter, damaged a Halberstadt D.II so badly it crash-landed, ran away from three others (the Sopwith climbs better, and is faster) came back to the 'drome, managed to ram the one and only windsock pole around 100 square miles and sadly died - not really in combat, but so they said lol.

FPS were from 50ies down at least in the 20ies, regardless what was going on or so it seemed - even smoother than in P2. And the skins along with the SOUNDS are completely new, this optional "realistic sound setting" is much better than the "Hollywood"-style, loud engine and wind. Also like the new gauges along with some other hundred new things. And quite professional touch, installation was straightforward and worked without fuzz or fiddling - big leap ahead !

Will write about it later, see you,

Thanks and greetings,
Do you need a passive card for power concerns or you don't like the sound of the extra fan? I had a 7300LE but replaced it about a year ago with a 8600GT. Much better performance, though I needed a bigger PS to run it. You get used to the extra noise and after a while I tune it out and don't notice it anymore.
If you count all the fans, (vid card included) in my computer, there are 8. The only time I really hear them anymore is when I turn it off. I use headphones when flying so fan noise is nonexistent.
