FIRST BEAU NOW HOBBIT .....excellent stuff


i recall when beau came on scene in here and now look at his vast expansion and the teamwork for us ot fly great missions .... now of late

HOBBITT .... has deon some real great and pinpointed missions ....again the team is helping and his abiliities and use teamwork is paying off for us

another winner of flight and its safe keeping of the history being remembered

thanks a ton ,,,,

i fly em ,,,lol

loverboy1- joshua
WOW Thank you very much for your very kind words my friend..And i am going to keep putting out missions for all as long as I can, but my work has been helped along by MANY Great and talented people..
Without the help of many others I would have given up..SlipStream, Beau, You, Old Tiger, Flyer01, Wyld Bill, Lewis, and the list goes on..Without these wonderful men and their help it would not have been possible..I do owe a debt of gratitude to so many here for their patience and help..It has truly been a team effort..
So Bravo to all who have put up with my many re do's and silly mistakes..