First flight sim

MS Flight Simulator 3 (on 5.25" floppies) - didn't matter what card you had, 640x480 blocky graphics were your lot, mate.
Modding was a bit simpler, mind you; 2 minutes filling in some data fields and you could have something which would take off in 30 feet or a hypersonic dart which needed 2 miles to lift off. :isadizzy: Graphics were still 'orrible, though.
Aces of the Pacific for me, back in... err, 1996 is my best guess. Followed by Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe a few years later. Yes, I was somewhat late with my games. :icon_lol:
flight simulator on an Acorn Atom, probably around 1982 ish!! Then Aviator a wireframe flight game on the BBC micro & F16 Fighting Falcon on the Atari 512 before a hefty hiatus until CFS3 which I got mainly to play OFF on the day it came out.....haven't looked back since!
Actually mine was CFS1 I remember thinking that it was THE most fantastic thing ever, and the unexplanable frustration a 6-9 year old gets when trying to take down a B-17:banghead:.
Good times:icon_lol:
The first one I fooled with was a pretty basic setup on anold commodore computer at a friends house. I don't klnow what it was called but it was essentially a stick figure plane with the most basic graphics you could imagine.That was in '83-'84. Then around the time that cfs2 came out, a guy iun a band I played in lent me his copy to fool with and altho I didn't have a joystick it picqued my interest enough to get into it a little further.
CFS1, but I got into it after CFS2 came out, so I switched to CFS2 very quickly. Really miss the world map and working carriers. Not to mention the Zone, and Island hopping, and bomb runs (including the Bombrun software). GRRRRRR why won't Microsoft just give us the rights to CFS4 already:banghead::banghead::banghead:


For me it was FS98. Before we didn't have a computer yet, so I started a bit late. However, before FS98 I already had some simulators, but they didn't work. Something with the F-117 and the Mig-29. I don't know those names anymore...
Mine was subLogic's Flight Simulator on an old Apple II or similar. We had a tiny Sony monitor. It was wire frame black and white. F-15 Strike Eagle for my brothers Atari 800. Then there was Their Finest Hour, Knights of the Sky, SWOTL, Chuck yeager's AC. The Lucasfilm games were very good. I got P-51 Mustang and Fokker Triplane for my Mac and that got me through grad school. Hellcats of the Pacific at home. Got a job, bought my first PC, F-22 Raptor, Lightning 2. Dawn of Aces. Then Mig Alley -Awesome!- BOB more of the same ;) IL-2, CFS3, LOMAC, but CFS won me over.
CFS1,followed by CFS2,CFS3,and IL2. I still like IL2,but CFS3 (have 7 installs) is the most fun by far. Can't wait for OFF pt3. The new ETO,Solomons PTO,MAW,and KOREA .......:isadizzy:,the only problem is which to play! Thanks to all those whose hard work makes it possible.
Just noticed another old box sitting neglected on a shelf - anyone remember subLogic's Flight Assignment: ATP (Airline Transport Pilot)? Graphics every bit as good as FS3 (ha ha) but you fly the big birds and have to learn the navaids. Vintage 1990.
mac flap

some funky Paleolithic set up from Apple called "Leyte Gulf"......there were only 10 which your moves on the keyboard yeilded the same result every time.....after a while it was like becoming a concert pianist.........having practiced the same moves hundreds of times one became a master.....and playing by muscle memory alone I was able to sail past the bad chaps all day. Changed to PC and found CFS1.......the bar's a bit higher these days......can't wait to see P3....and ETO still evolving...Merry Xmas all...........GAW
For me it was B17 Flying Fortress released by MicroProse in 1992

Dead simple graphics but the sim it self was very hard to survive in.


Discounting arcade games, this was my first taste also, though I think I played a later version B-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty Eighth. I loved the immersive feel of it. The way you could swap crew around, apply first aid etc, and watch the animations move around the aircraft. I got into the mission planning side of it, selecting targets, crew, aircraft. It was my first taste of modding, by changing the nose art and camo schemes. I still have it on the hard drive as it's quite undemanding of the PC.

After that to fly Mossies I used for a while Fighter Squadron: Screaming Demons over Europe. Very much like CFS3 in many way, but older. It also had a vibrant forum. The game used the Openplane game machine and was very open to modding. They had every theatre you could think of (almost). Loads of aircraft. But why did I change, well poor Mossies essentially. Then I found on Amazon another game with Mossies, and the rest as they say is history.
