Leutnant D. Mahlo, Jasta 2, Lagnicourt 22/9/1916
Escort ROLAND C II on reconnaissance flight
Flight 2: Mahlo, Becker, Eisenberg
Takeoff at 15.20 h
Wheather: sunny, but slightly hazy beneath huge white clouds
Arrived at the frontline at 15.30 h, without seeing the Roland D II's anywhere.
But I spot a flight of 4 planes north of us, approaching rapidly.
Can identify them as 4 Nieuport 16; there's a heart painted on the side.
They seem to carry rockets on the wing struts. Later we hear, they were from Escadrille 103.
We take up fight at an altitude of 1.000 feet. Order Eisenberg to attack, Becker to stay behind me.
The Nieuports are very manoeuverable, but I manage to get several short hits on one.
Below us artillery explosions - so close, that the dirt seems to fly into the cockpit.
15.35 First Nieuport crashes after my severe hits. I take on the next. Becker so far with me.
Eisenberg seems to be fine, a bit higher up. My second target is first doing good performances,
but I can hit him twice; then he makes a mistake - he tries to run away at treetop level.
They can turn better than us, but we are faster; I get behind him and fire. Suddenly, he pulls up,
just as I am above him. We collide - my gear must be damaged.
15.39. The Nieuport crashes into the trees.
I look around and find Becker entangled in a fight with a Nupe. Eisenberg chases another, it draws
a trail of dark smoke behind it. I climb a bit, and go down again, chasing the Nupe off Becker's tail.
It takes severe hits; big pieces and splinters come out. He tries to escape now - big mistake again -
and I literally shoot him to pieces.
15.42 He crashes head on into the mud.
We fly over to Eisenberg, only to find him the winner of his fight - happily he climbs towards us.
We fly a big circle, but I can't make out the Rolands anywhere. I decide to return home.
My landing seemed to go well first; very softly I set her on the grass and cut petrol.
But then - crash - the left gear broke, and my Albatros circled around the left wing tip.
I was lucky - no bad injuries.
We fill out the claim reports - one for Eisenberg, and three for me. A good fight that was, and I'm
glad to have good wingmen!
Later we hear, that the 3 Roland C II have been shot down North-West of our dogfighting
position. A pity - but we couldn't be everywere.
Escort ROLAND C II on reconnaissance flight
Flight 2: Mahlo, Becker, Eisenberg
Takeoff at 15.20 h
Wheather: sunny, but slightly hazy beneath huge white clouds
Arrived at the frontline at 15.30 h, without seeing the Roland D II's anywhere.
But I spot a flight of 4 planes north of us, approaching rapidly.
Can identify them as 4 Nieuport 16; there's a heart painted on the side.
They seem to carry rockets on the wing struts. Later we hear, they were from Escadrille 103.
We take up fight at an altitude of 1.000 feet. Order Eisenberg to attack, Becker to stay behind me.
The Nieuports are very manoeuverable, but I manage to get several short hits on one.
Below us artillery explosions - so close, that the dirt seems to fly into the cockpit.
15.35 First Nieuport crashes after my severe hits. I take on the next. Becker so far with me.
Eisenberg seems to be fine, a bit higher up. My second target is first doing good performances,
but I can hit him twice; then he makes a mistake - he tries to run away at treetop level.
They can turn better than us, but we are faster; I get behind him and fire. Suddenly, he pulls up,
just as I am above him. We collide - my gear must be damaged.
15.39. The Nieuport crashes into the trees.
I look around and find Becker entangled in a fight with a Nupe. Eisenberg chases another, it draws
a trail of dark smoke behind it. I climb a bit, and go down again, chasing the Nupe off Becker's tail.
It takes severe hits; big pieces and splinters come out. He tries to escape now - big mistake again -
and I literally shoot him to pieces.
15.42 He crashes head on into the mud.
We fly over to Eisenberg, only to find him the winner of his fight - happily he climbs towards us.
We fly a big circle, but I can't make out the Rolands anywhere. I decide to return home.
My landing seemed to go well first; very softly I set her on the grass and cut petrol.
But then - crash - the left gear broke, and my Albatros circled around the left wing tip.
I was lucky - no bad injuries.
We fill out the claim reports - one for Eisenberg, and three for me. A good fight that was, and I'm
glad to have good wingmen!
Later we hear, that the 3 Roland C II have been shot down North-West of our dogfighting
position. A pity - but we couldn't be everywere.