first phase 3 multiplay single play mission uploaded


happy flying to all
The Great War Continue's

Stationed in Furnes France the boy's of 60 squadron go back on the offensive after returning from leave.

After a substancial leave and absence from duty the Boys are back in action with a raid on the german war machine. we have been advised of a rather signifigent troop buildup at Vlisseghem
Our recon people have shown us the hun have amassed a huge troop buildup.there are over 40 troop trucks in the area ready to disperse 500 or more troops and attack our lines en mass. our spotter DH-2 is spotting in the area and will drop flares to guide you to the target. sopwith camels will protect the F2-B's and the spotter to the best of their ability.our artillary has them pinned down at the moment but they could break through at any time.

i have hand edited the mission so all vc cockpits show. the biff is absolutly magnificent and has a respectable 12 bomb loadout.the dh-2 is used as a spotter in the mission and is an aor start in the vacinity of the target. it is your job to spot for the incomeing bombers so fly about to find them and then mark the three different targets for them.
the camels are equiped with rockets and are the player aircrafrt in the mission.
remember,all aircraft are flyable in multi lay only.


And he's off (no pun intended)

Thanks, Bob

I'll count.

That's one!



they'll be a little sparce for now

we have this one tested online now,nio and i tested it moments ago.

'HI Pi lotsden, I'd like to d/load on of your missions to try, I haven't done it before. Can you tell me where they can be found please?
Is there a tutorial somewhere on creating missions for multiplayer?
mission tuturial

Start-programs-overflandersfields-mission builder (for p3) for p2 you need to download the mission builder from the off download section of the download page,,,,i think its download #17...or close to that
on either of the 2 (off2 and off3)
after the mission builder loads ,,hit the ? (help) button, (upper right ) and the calais cleanup tuturial that the bottem of the help topics is an excellant walkthru for missions


(and yes,,,,where do you find that mission.....)
I swear someone made the statement that you could save Campaign missions and play them in MP.. must be going nuts.
they dont have a link up here or phas 1& 2

you have to go to the cfs three link befor you can d/l missions

Will It

Can we D/L this mission and just fly it from the missions folder?

Start-programs-overflandersfields-mission builder (for p3) for p2 you need to download the mission builder from the off download section of the download page,,,,i think its download #17...or close to that
on either of the 2 (off2 and off3)
after the mission builder loads ,,hit the ? (help) button, (upper right ) and the calais cleanup tuturial that the bottem of the help topics is an excellant walkthru for missions


(and yes,,,,where do you find that mission.....)

My help page is blank! I don't want to create a mission anyway, at least not for now..
Thanks PD

I thought it may but thought I would ask.
