FJ3 Fury



I am searching for the Alphasim release of the FJ3 Fury. It is listed as but when I try to download it I get a msg that says it can be no longer located. Would anyone have a copy of the FJ3 you could send me or direct me to a site where I might download it? I sure would appreciate it. Thanks

harryclemence [at] msn [dot] com
The Alpha FJ3 Fury is a very dated model...from the early days of FS2002/CFS2. I am most pretty sure that I have it on a CD for CFS2 use...I will dig around and make sure. I will e-mail it to you if that will help you out. Just send me a PM with your e-mail address (do not post your e-mail address in an open forum).

Like OBIO says, posting your email in an open forum is like telling every spammer in the world that you want a few thousand junk emails every day for the rest of your life!:isadizzy: They have automated systems that troll through forums like this looking for links that they can exploit.