flabby stick


Charter Member
Yikes....installed 7 on a totally new rig and the stick is a dead chicken leg....barely sensitive at all...no centering either....CH thrustmaster......saw someone else with this issue a couple days ago but couldnt dig up the thread....any help...thanks

there MUST be someone else with stick issues....I can't be the only unlucky nitwit with installed W7 that left their stick a dead chicken leg.....any thoughts would be MOST appreciated....thanks all and happy new year!
I've read over at OFF3 forum (CombatAce) that many Saitek people are without force feedback running Win7. They keep whingeing about it being a win7 issue, but it ain't, it is a joystick driver issue.

I count my blessings that my Logitec FFB stick works perfectly running win7 x64.

Now to get my CH pedals working consistently in ETO...
I'm sure you're right....this isn't a whinge about Win 7 really......just a post to see if anybody has a link to CH Thrustmaster drivers somewhere....their site has drivers dated Jan. 09 and the CD containing the driver for my stick won't read on Win 7 at all....maybe time for a new stick anyhow....this one was sturdy but not great handling thanks
Wasn't implying that YOU were whingeing (apologies if my post came across that way), but the OFF posters were saying that win7 destroyed ALL force feedback. This is false. Some manufacturers are simply not keeping pace with changing OS, perhaps thinking 7 might tank like Vista did...

I am not a M$ fan, but from my experience thus far (apart from loosing all my restore points to the ether just when I needed them) win7 x64 is very nice and provides an impressive performance boost if you stuff in RAM. IMHO I'd stick with the OS and ditch the stick if you weren't entirely happy with CH.
It is very likely a driver issue and despite the grumbles over at CombatAce, those with MS joysticks - the USB models at least - are having no problems. (including me)
no worries youz guys....you're dead right....missing drivers=no support....definitely time to ditch the stick.....what've you got that lasted the distance.....Saiteks busted on me while CH lasted but never felt as natural...thanks