I am having issues with both of these kind of items which are vehicles and guns. If any one (like David! ) wants to have a closer look, I can send all relevant files. In summary though.
1. I have 3 or 4 installs with runways and approach lights; all using the same facility and associated vehicle gun files.
2. The main difference is in the effects files so I have installed the different varieties in the installs (labelled of course!), except one which I call "Ted TOW", in which the lights more or less always work.
3. In the others, what happens is something like this.
-with their effects xml, sometimes the lights work and often not if I am stopping and restarting the install while I am testing stuff.
- If I then use the TED TOW effects xml in that install, the lights may still not work, but if I then start up the actual TED TOW install and then go back to the other, the lights will not only work with the TED TOW effects xml, they may also work again with that installs more detailed xml. Later I may have the trouble again.
4. All installs have the same light files.
5. The TED TOW effects xml is basically the old ETO one with the <O1_Driver_Effects_mar_06_2011/> with some add ons from Ted at the end.
6. All the other installs use the David?Andy combined install with any of TEd's added on effects lines I could,'t see in that. What I did not do, is just copy and past all of Ted's lines as I was not sure if duplicate line would have a negative effect.
However the fact that sometimes these other effects files work is confusing.
I am also having flaky sound 'gun' issues with my Lorenz ILS and knickebein facilities which work sometimes and not at others! I'll wait on that until the lights are sorted!
I hope my explanation is relatively clear!
1. I have 3 or 4 installs with runways and approach lights; all using the same facility and associated vehicle gun files.
2. The main difference is in the effects files so I have installed the different varieties in the installs (labelled of course!), except one which I call "Ted TOW", in which the lights more or less always work.
3. In the others, what happens is something like this.
-with their effects xml, sometimes the lights work and often not if I am stopping and restarting the install while I am testing stuff.
- If I then use the TED TOW effects xml in that install, the lights may still not work, but if I then start up the actual TED TOW install and then go back to the other, the lights will not only work with the TED TOW effects xml, they may also work again with that installs more detailed xml. Later I may have the trouble again.
4. All installs have the same light files.
5. The TED TOW effects xml is basically the old ETO one with the <O1_Driver_Effects_mar_06_2011/> with some add ons from Ted at the end.
6. All the other installs use the David?Andy combined install with any of TEd's added on effects lines I could,'t see in that. What I did not do, is just copy and past all of Ted's lines as I was not sure if duplicate line would have a negative effect.
However the fact that sometimes these other effects files work is confusing.
I am also having flaky sound 'gun' issues with my Lorenz ILS and knickebein facilities which work sometimes and not at others! I'll wait on that until the lights are sorted!
I hope my explanation is relatively clear!