• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

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    Library How to

Fleet Freighter 50K - More Tinkers


Charter Member
Hi Good People,

Have been having a serious tinker with the Milton Shupe and Team's Fleet aircraft. Done all of my own master blanks and created a handful of test liveries and now have finished off some serious tinkers.

Between us - Milton and I have also created a new 2D panel, I did the artwork and Milton did the techo stuff - see the small image of it on the NAR image below

Of course there is a shiny one in this batch - wouldn't be me if I didn't have at least one "shiny metal" type girl - even though this girl is not a metal skin

Here you go - 5 livery sets - one, the National Air Race girl, I have done with the skin on all three models, Tundra, Ski, Floats.


That's all for now folks - not sure where or when I will start posting the liveries - still chewing on that....

Regards and happy simming
Those are really cool! The only problem I'll have with them is deciding which livery to fly. :)
Another One

Hi Good People,

Another livery - still tinkering with this girl :wavey:

Chinese Air Force in camo...........

Regards and happy simming....
And yet Anoter One

And now another one: Maddux Cargo - Maddux was a real airline back in the 30's but of course this is a fictional repaint - just me having fun....:wavey:

Note: any liveries that I do for the Floats version will work with Floats, Tundra and Ski models for this girl.

This will be the last repaint for this girl just for a little while - other tasks in the pot at the moment. :wiggle:

Regards and Happy simming.
Release of the textures for the Fleet Freighter will be soon, I have a couple of float and Ski texture to finalise and then create a suitable web page for them to be downloaded from.

Also making certain that all liveries can be used for any of the current models with all texture sets having the relevant textures for Floats, Skis and Tundra wheels - so that any one livery can be used for any of the various models available. So basically one livery that will work with any/all of the models.

Paints for milton's bush baby


Thanks for that. Look forward to grabbing some of your marvellously inventive and imaginative work and flying Milton's baby freighter. I know that Milton was attempting to get more amateur artists up to speed by posting his model un-painted, but in ideal condition as a test or workshop for the upcoming painter. Have often considered starting the curve, but our time on this sphere is so limited and there are so many other things to do. Still hope lingers on.

Thanks again for your current and past works which I have enjoyed. Believe that I met you once at a Flt Sim Convention held in Blackpool of all places. For an American, I guess, that would be like holding a Flt Sim Convention in Atlantic City.

Thanks, Garry. great stuff. I'm looking forward to that. I have all , & I mean all (well, 99%) :) of your stuff, India, Cape Town, etc, all your sceneries & planes, as well as all Miltons stuff in my 'Golden Wings'. It makes an awesome collection of real & ficticious sceneries & aircraft that realy makes simming such fun.

Waiting patiently for the Vickers & Jenny!! ;-)

Thanks for all you, Milton & all the others out there that make our hobby such fun!.

(B.T.W. maybe not the forum here, but with your Cape Town scenery, I get lots of jaggy crevases in the mountains around the city. Must be a mesh issue of sorts.)
Thanks for your kind words Mal - yep the old Blackpool Flight Sim Convention was a real ball (long way for me to travel as well (Newcastle Australia is my home) - great fun for all I think :wiggle:

Milton's "tutorial" aircraft was/is great fun - mostly focussed on teaching the basics of modelling aircraft - the "blank" for the repainting were a titch too hard for a novice I think, not a critique, even I found the creation of the master set of blanks for this girl a considerable challenge :adoration:

I will be releasing my master blanks for all three models as part of the texture packs that I will make available - they should be a reasonable starting platform for the novice painter to tinker with - model mapping of the textures are excellent and no distortions are noticable for any of the mappings - nice clean girl to paint up.

zswobbie1 Thank you as well for your kind words - when you say you have got lots of my aircraft and stuff - is that the stuff just from the Ford Tri-Motor Project or from my www.gjsmith.net site and the Mike Stone pages on my site as well :adoration:

The Cape Town scenery (for the Ford Project - on the Scenery Pages) is a massive, and I mean massive scenery package - hundreds of new scenery models created - including a full city, camping ground, sports oval, sea port and sea runway and lots and lots of other things - then on top of that is a bucket of specialised AI aircraft and traffic. Therefore, unfortunately, it can be very demanding on the sim system - If I ramp it all and use all of it then I also occassionally have some frame rate or scenery issues.

For some it is all too much and for others with top end system it is great fun to fly around. For those that do not know about the Cape Town Scenery - Check out the slide show available on the Ford Tri-Motor site - http://www.ford-tri-motor.net
or direct http://www.ford-tri-motor.net/Slideshows/Ford_Cape_Town_Scenery_Package.html

The Vickers and the Jenny are in the pot but Ed and I get diverted easily to the other great historical aircraft - particularly the Milton stuff :applause:

Regards and happy simming.
Hi Garry.. well, I got all the Ford stuff.. sceneries & ai!.. all Mike Stone's stuff (from a long time ago) & as for Milton's. Of course. & so pleased you have preserved his work. Oh, how can I forget Bill Lyons stuff as well, even tho its not from you, but must be part of my 'heritage' plane collection.

I've been simming for a long time.. I still remember loading flight sim off a few stiffy disks. I am using a laptop, 4gb ram, FS9, Golden Wings, & P3Dv1.4. I much prefer the 'low & slow' planes as well as the unusual stuff.. boats, trains etc. My GW install is probably about 100 odd GB in size.

I belong to a virtual club that meet at our local Air Force base, Ysterplaat (FAYP) & we mentor 60 kids (Young Falcons) every 2 weeks. Being kids, they like the fast jets, but get wxcited to see & realize what the old & historical planes are all about. They get given lectures then practicals on Fs9. We are a volunteer bunch & have made this work 'by fluke & crook'. The course ends with a Wings Parade & local private pilots flying in & flying the kids with actulaL 'hands on' once they are airborne.