Flickering Bomb Craters and Ship Wakes?


I've found this suggested fix:

Bomb craters flicker

Try changing ZBiasFlatEffects. For WOFF we set it to 1.
By the way, I feel that ZBiasBitsResolution set to 15 is not correct since we are using high resolution z buffer (even if it is not selected in cfs3config, my shaders force it). I think it should be set to 23 or 24.

But it's not working for me. I am using the latest and greatest shaders if it matters. Any suggestions?
I have
<ZBiasBitsResolution val="15"/>
<ZBiasFlatEffects val="25"/>

On my system having a higher resolution caused some cockpit instruments to disappear.
So using the logic of, "I could imagine a bomb crater as being a 'decal' on the terrain," I modified the <ZBiasTerrainDecal> value from 0 to 15 and it seems to have solved the problem. That said, I have not done extensive testing yet and have no idea what I might be negatively impacting. Any ideas? I plan to mess with lower values when I can.
Yes, even <ZBiasTerrainDecal val="1"/> seems to take care of it, but setting <ZBiasBitsResolution val="24"/> up from 15, made the flickering reappear again.

I did notice that some of the flickering still occurs if two bomb craters overlap one another, no matter what the setting is, because they compete with one another to be on top.
I wish this thread was available a couple of years ago! I had a great version of ETO installed, but flickering bomb craters drove me crazy. Remember when ETO had bomb crater effects for artillery, etc? I suspect that effect was dropped because of things like flickering.

Now I want to get back to ETO 1.5 and add all the crater effects again. I use a shortcut where I add the bombcrater texture to the groundexpl_m effect, this is such a universal effect that you get craters for shells, and exploding vehicles.