Fliegerhorst Deelen for era 3 ETO uploaded

Thanks Mongoose, another great addition to the sandpit! :medals:

Hopefully a lot of this hard work will be transportable to other airbases?
Well I suppose you can use buildings etc. elsewhere with acknowledgement to the modelers. The only thing that's mine is the texture and associated Gmax.
Given the general lack of bases on the continent this is a welcome addition. Thanks James. Do you have any info on how it looked in 1940?
It's a grand job James, very impressive! :applause::applause:

There are 2 aircraft in the buildings folder which should be in the aircraft folder. Take them out and put in your aircraft folder, overwriting if necessary. I will upload corrections later.
I observed that the following files are vehicles not buildings:g_20mm_flakvierling_Early,g_37mm_flak43z,g_mannheim,g_wurzburg_smal.
Another observation the ModelName="g_wurzburg_small.m3d" is missing the .m3d suffix
Mongoose, that is missing from the XDP file for g_wurzburg_small.

It is also missing from the XDP file for TOW_wurzburg_small.
I hope the new upload is there now.
No g_wurzburg_small at all should be there
should be zdp for TOW_wurzburg_small

all vehicles and ac out of buildings folder.

That's what happens when one rushes an upload!:mix-smi: