Flight 1 instant scenery


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has anyone seen some new on the status of v3.8 or v4 for 64bit?

I havent seen much information or recent posts
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If it's to be updated at all for P3D_V4, it'll be posted here. According to one post, it isn't expected until late first quarter next year (if at all). My experience with the developer is that release dates are highly fluid and if it's saying first quarter. . .it could actually be mid to late summer next year. Supposedly that info was posted in something called "Simmer 365". I did a search for that and came up empty, so I have no idea what that is or how to locate it.
cheers, yeah its been pretty quite there regarding the update

its one add on that i surely miss and at times i contemplate installing v3 to do some minor scenery

I also read somewhere that helitraffic from flight 1 is being looked at for v4 as well, which is excellent news
Same here.

If and when I need IS, I'm using FSX SE or P3Dv3. It seemed that IS was updating more quickly prior to V4, but this one is taking a while.

The upside is that Arno has been diligent with his tools for V4. I've re-structured my modeling work flow to use MCX as my primary placement tool and some of Bill Leaming and Paul Dominque's shortcuts, and I'm actually working much more efficiently.

I'll still be quite pleased to see an IS for V4 when it does arrive.
. . . . .I also read somewhere that Heli Traffic from Flight1 is being looked at for v4 as well, which is excellent news
I enjoy flying Helicopters a lot but never considered this addon before. P3D_V4 is all I have installed now so I may keep an eye on this and see if anything actually happens.
Thanks Ed for the link to the Instant Scenery forum. As several have mentioned I keep Prepar3D v3.4 around just for IS. Hopefully it will be sooner than later.
Still hoping for Flight 1 to make Instant Scenery compatible with P3D V4. I would gladly buy it again, if necessary. Just release it, Flight 1! NC