STAND-DOWN-STAND DOWN! Holy cow what the heck is going on now? Should know in a minute here comes the head Chief. Here we were ready to fly the next flight and this happens STAND-DOWN. The Chief led us in to a small office took off his cap and told us he is sorry for the darn mess we are. We mention to him what mess, we are just drivers hehe.
Well any way after all cooled down he explain to us why the Stand-down. A group of the questionable people had broke into over in a town not to far from here, well anyway his people over make a break for it and only got this far, and the other never followed. So here it is, as soon as these cone go through the file and verified the bunch you will be loaded again and you will be heading for Düsseldorf. Hehe, that's only a 10 min flight, and the question was brought up how in the heck will this throw off the bad guy. This chief was cool, he thought these headquarter didn't know there behinds from a hole in the ground. Well anyway, he did give us some sort of information concerning what we are transporting. Which was different.