A bit Oops! Forgot to add information on our last flight. Darn, this growing old sucks, and if I ever meet that bugger who said these were the Golden Years I am, without a doubt, going to pop that bugger in the nose, and then we could go have a beer. hehe.
Dudley and I really enjoyed this flight, with the exception of some violent cross winds that, no kidding, blew us off of our given course. The plane handled it just great, but not me tummy. hehe. Back to the flight we left DTTF, via SPX and NBA to Dtta. Roger that, the very historical site that was the home of one of the greatest Generals of ancient times Hannibal. Carthage was destroyed by the Romans after a number of centuries of fighting to see who would rule the world. Enough Taco back to flight 19, OK Dudley, Again, we were all surprised by all of the areas close to the sea that they were just as green as Kansas during the early spring. Spent most of my time going over the ruins of Roman Carthage, which the Roman built many moons after the original Carthage was destroyed.
Here I go again, well, the history around here is just great. And being an history buff just couldn't resist blowing off.
Nite all. See you all tomorrow. me think