Flight 19


Charter Member
:biggrin-new: Hi there! Just to let you know that Flight 19, very soon, an new Adventure. Stay tune :encouragement:
:biggrin-new: Hi there! Just to let you know that Flight 19, very soon, an new Adventure. Stay tune :encouragement:

Hey, by golly, we got started on our new adventure. Hehe, three shining Lodestars took off from SABE and pointed the plane's noses to SAAR.:biggrin-new:
Not only did we depart for SAAR, but all three arrived safely!
Rosario - Santa Fe Argentina == birthplace of Ernesto "Che" Guevara (and Lionel Messi) :encouragement:


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:dizzy:Oops! Behind the eight Ball.

Flight 19 has made three flights in the last few days, SABE to SAAR, SAAR to SAAC, and last night we flew from SAAC to SA26. At the start of this adventure we did run into some questionable weather, but the last two flight the weather wasn't to bad for a change. We had some interesting conversion concerning the areas that we were flying over. One was about one of the river, which there are many in routes, this river was wide and deep in order to handle deep sea vessels. Really seen some interesting views of Argentina, shucks, most of it was real green. So far we will still be heading North looking for a comfortable place where we could, say so to speak, to hide out. hehe.

The next skd. flight: SA26 to SARS. Darn computer, still can't seem to take pictures. So hopefully, some of the other pilots will post some. CU all later.:pirate:
:pop4: Here I go again, and still behind the eight ball, but this time it's the size bowling ball. lol.

Since I posted on the 13th of March flight 19 have done three flights, some will be repeated, SAAC to SA26, SA26 to SARS, which was one of a virus that came around in the year 2004. Shucks, now we have another mean one. To continue, SARS to SATK. Today, if the creek doesn't rise Flight 19 will be flying from SATK to SGME. Just a side note, after we landed at SATK we found out there was no motels or hotels in the area! Yuk, So it looked like we would need to make some kind of sleeping arrangements. hehe, me being a loud mouth decided to sleep under the wing of our plane, which in the past it was a common factor sleeping under the wing, well, I was getting ready to spread out ye old sleeping bag, and really looking forward to getting at least a little sleep. And then! Rob started to mention the strange and I was doing OK with it until he mentioned SNAKES, and brother that did it. The small bagged area, even being very small started to look good. Hehe, after a short discussion we all headed for our luxury suites. hehe.:biggrin-new: Sure wish I could figure out why I can't take pictures! Darn machine. lol. CU all later.
:wavey: Hi all,

Well, we all made it to SGME from SATK without any problems for a change. Now, getting up in the morning before our flight to SGME was tough, hehe, these old bones took awhile to realize that we were awake snap, crackle and pop! I just made up my mine that there will be no more sleeping in the baggage compartment! But for the worth thing was that there was no hot coffee just the old cold stuff still in the thermos, darn stuff is so strong just might use it for fuel. lol, and the remaining peanut butter sandwich's didn't sound to interesting to my taste buds! HEY! But then our day was saved as an local vendor came around with his cart which was carrying hot coffee and some home made burritos, let me tell you this quick breakfast seemed like a thousand dollar meal in downtown New York or some big cities. Was great, now as my eyes came in focus is was time to pre-flight the lodestar and take off for SGME, by the way this is in Paraguay, as usual we had the normal go around with the local custom folks. One of those folks swore we were gun runners, hehe, Must have been the way Dudley looked. CU you all tomorrow.:applause:
Found this ol' thing in the hanger and am trying to catch up with the guys.


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As Taco said, we made it from SATK to SGME last night.
You'll find us on the BIG ramp at the north end... interesting place. 11,500 ft runway, a bunch of buildings in town, no services. There's a rumour (denied, of course) that the place was used by the U.S. military as a base.


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Lot of little planes about. :biggrin-new:

:pirate: Hola! (hello) Me think. hehe.

WOW! sure nice that part of the Flight 19 posted some picture, and the picture tells the story. Going to be great when Willy catches up with us sure missed him. Weather, what the heck could we say about the weather. lol. The weather wasn't to bad until we got back into Argentina, and the closer we got to SAST the more rain we got. So, be no sleeping under the wings. hehe.

Sure been having some problems with some of the flying surfaces, sometimes they go weird not doing what the yoke and rudder need to do, so we fly kind of weird for awhile and then they fall back into a normal operation. Going to need to check the cables to the flying surfaces and hope that we can fix the problem. Checking old Pedro Used Aircraft Parts, darn, they didn't have any that would fly and if even if they did have a fly able plane in this scrap yard more than likely wouldn't be able to keep up with the group. So, here we go to work! hehe:indecisiveness:
Hello fellow simmers,

:banghead: Man! what a bad night! Larry had throttle problems and me had problems getting into the air, and finally we got air borne the darn plane all it wanted to do was climb and stall. Now this kept occurring even with the darn A/P on! Only person who it seemed was having a very nice day was Rob flying the Lodstar. Never realize the Argentina had very high mountain ranges. This flight from SA11 to SANO was the highest we have flown for quite awhile. There for awhile Dudley and I were on the 02 thing. We were able to drop down somewhat and was able to get off of the 02. Finally, after fighting this darn problem with the C-119 we shut down the A/P and manually flew her for a lot of miles, and the bloody thing flew just great then. All aircraft made SANO AOK the airport was at an elevation of over 3100 feet. Hehe. got early this AM to work on C-119 climbing problem I was ready for anything and I was carrying a very large hammer. Surprise on the test flight the old gal flew just great, might be true about using a big hammer. hehe. Just a footnote Larry got his throttle problem under control.

OK, folks. Our next flight will be from SANO to SANU, now don't ask me where we are going in Argentina.:biggrin-new: Because I have no Idea.:devilish:
Guess I was the only one to find the Kodak store before we left Germany... oh well...

At least one of us had a nice cruise out of SA11 although this high-altitude stuff is for the birds.

There's Larry trying to demonstrate the large cargo bay of the C-119 (forgetting that opening the doors is a drag - a BIG drag)
Getting in close to the destination it was nice to descend without the clouds that have plagued the route.
Sitting comfortably on the ground in SANO, with one of the lumbering water buffalos headed my way


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There's Larry trying to demonstrate the large cargo bay of the C-119 (forgetting that opening the doors is a drag - a BIG drag)
It's been a while since I last flew the Boxcar and I totally forgot that we had modelled drag onto the clamshell doors. It was quite the surprise when I opened them (for a giggle) and then fell out of the sky!
:very_drunk: Hey there!

Holy Cow! What a nice flight for a change with the C-119, we took off without any problems and after short period of time I threw on the A/P and she flew like a lady for the whole flight. We made, not perfect landing, but it wasn't not to bad. Hehe, just 2/3 of flight 19 flew last night two of our pilots have been having some major problems with their plane. We sure hope they get the problem corrected and take a short cut and catch up with the two Canadians and one Yankee! All in all, we all had a great flight. Larry was short on fuel after we landed, man, these 4360 engine do eat up the fuel. Hehe, the gas attended would not take his Canadian money. Yankee dollar or peso! All ended well, he got the fuel, and don't ask how he did it. The scenery along the route between SANO to Sanu was great, but we are still in the high country, in fact, we flew past a mountain that was over 20,000 feet high, and all this time I thought Argentina was fairly flat like Kansas in the good old USA. Well, this is one advantage of flying with Flight 19, hehe, can't believe what some folks say that Flight 19 and all the folks are, for a better word "carpet bagger". Hehe, so what do you think? See you all later.:encouragement:
:pirate: Hello here we are again,:wavey:

We had a nice flight from SANU to SAOU and the weather was just good with a little headwind. Getting to believe we are going to have fair weather for the remaining parts of the adventure, but me think oh momma nature just may have a big surprise for us. hehe. Willy must still having problems getting his plane flyable, sure hope it happens soon. The flight was flying along, just going great. Then it was noticed the TK' plane was falling behind the group. TK noted that he was having some kind of a problem with the C-119 and was returning to SANU for repairs. He mentioned that if the repairs happens quick, he would take off from SANU fly thru the night if needed in order to catch up. Rob and Moses were hauling the mail I tell you. We had the balls to the wall, pedal to metal and still was having a sight problem keeping up, Oh well, just as long as we get there without any further problems with the planes.

All right, our next flight will be from SAOU to SAMA so follow along.:encouragement: Now if any pilots are in the area, you are more than welcome to come and fly along with the infamous Flight 19.
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:playful: Hey everybody,

Well shucks, not much to report except it was a good flight for all. The foul weather finally caught up with us where we got shifting winds and lots of rain. Hehe, now the fun part, rain, dirt runway, parked next to the runway in a muddy area, but it wasn't muddy when we parked here . I guess, will need to call AAA. lol:sentimental:
:jump:Here is me again,

Wow! for Flight 19 this was just a great flight. We needed to fly up where we would need to go on the O/2, hehe, and across the radio came a call that someone had stolen Rob's 0/2 bottle, Tk radio back to Rob, and explained to that he saw Old Dudley doing something with a green 0/2 bottle. This all transpired before takeoff, maybe so, but me, I know nothing hehe.

To make the flight a little more interesting our beloved travel agent set up a pretty nifty course. But, it had us fly into a vary heavy volcanic area, and there were some very big rock piles to avoid. Crying out loud, one of these rock piles was over 20,000 feet, we were told that it has not erupted in the last 10,000 years, now tell me how they know that? Hehe, the way thinks looked some of those old farts may have been there! So I figurer that were safe from that rascal blowing it's top while we were in the area. we needed to make a left turn in order to avoid even getting close to it, and it didn't hurt may feeling a bit, Wish we had some film for the camera, it is a very deadly, but an impressive Mountain.

Our next schedule flight will be from SAHC to SAZY, remember you are welcome to join us.:encouragement:
Hey there!

Looks like I fell behind in my duties in reporting Flight 19 trials and tribulation during our adventures. Will try to bring up some things after we land in Chile. So see you then.