Flight Control issue?


Charter Member
Ok this is a wierd one....recently a number of my addon aircraft have began causing frame rate drops of 20-25 fps when applying the ailerons or elevators....when no control input is being applied, the frames are great; touch the ailerons, and they drop down to ten or less...I use an X52 Pro and have not had this problem except with a few aircraft. Is it the controller (ie driver etc) or the addon? Anything in the config to look for that must be present in order for this to not happen? I have already consulted with the various websites, but no one seems to be able to pin it down...
Just a guess ... how many USB ports are in use? Have you tried switching your stick to another one?
I tried swapping the USB plugs around on the computer, and the throttle didn't light up, but the stick did...hmmmm.....are they that sensitive?
I had a similar problem back in '03 I think. That's why I mentioned it. {shrug}

BTW, love that part of the country. I used to travel through there on my way to Buck to watch tractor pulls, or to go listen to some good Country Blue Grass. :)
I tried swapping the USB plugs around on the computer, and the throttle didn't light up, but the stick did...hmmmm.....are they that sensitive?

My X-52 will go thru the same MFD darkness occasionally. Stick LEDs are fine but the MFD is dark.. just go to Control Panel and reset the MFD & LED levels ( even if they look to be at max) and it should come back.

My Stick is plugged directly into the box, the pedals are run thru a USB hub. I wanted both thru the (powered) hub but the stick refused. I think it got used to being attached to the main USB port and doesn't like the change. Was going to reinstall the stick & software and then figured it was more work than needed. However, if you haven't, try unplugging the stick (& pedals), rebooting and then reconnecting the X-52.

Also, there was a calibration issue with some x-52 units. A calibration tool was released and if you can't find it thru the Saitek site drop me a note and I'll send it ( it's small). Apparently the internal guts sometimes need a kick in the butt to recalibrate.

As for the frame-rate issue, if it's consistent and repeatable with certain a/c, and always ONLY certain ones then I'd think - addon issue. If it's totally irregular then I'd be looking at a possible drop or short in the internal PC board and time to see if your warranty is still valid. However, it's a computer thing so Murphy will be lurking somewhere
