Flight factory simulations Learjet 35


Charter Member
Does anyone have a copy of this rare bird? I’ve looked everywhere but no site sells it and I can only find repaints

It is not the same as the Flysimware Learjet 35A for FSX and P3D.

Flight Factory was an FS2002/2004 era developer. Just googled then and found probably your own request at Flightsim.com forums. Linked from there was a statement from 2007 saying they were closing doors.
A Message From FFS - Flight Factory Simulations

"Just a note to everyone in the sim community. FFS will be closing it's virtual doors due to the lack of time commitments by several individuals within, and other reasons beyond our control.

We apoligize to all of you and we will be working out some possible deals for other interested companies in providing source files for any future updates for our products in anyone should so be intested.

Thank you to all of our past patrons. We have loved serving you for the past 4 years. The official close date will be April 30, 2007."

Their Site:


Following their link just gives you a parked website page with bogus links.

Was able to use the wayback machine to view original website and then link to the Learjet 35 page. Check out that price back in the day.
