Flight Leader Superman?



I know that in 1.2 the AI flight leader's AI will be greatly improved but now I got a slight problem with him.
After reaching a waypoint, it is needed to climb higher (except when returning home). So the flight leader climbs, but I cant follow him! Also, if there are others in our flight, they cant catch up with him too. Of course, eventually we do get in formation, but it takes a LOT of time to climb at the altitude our leader is AND then follow him because he climbs with almost cruising speed of 100mph (se5a). I use warp for one second just to catch up with him and then get out of warp but this is just an immersion killer. Do others experience this as well? Does the flight leader loses his superhuman powers in 1.2?

Thanks :jump:.

P.S. Man this game is the best sim ever. I was flying above Douai, with the battle of Vimy Ridge raging behind us and me flying right behind my wingman. Then an Archie hit him, right in front of my eyes. Canvas and wood flew all around, I saw fire in his engine and saw him gradually falling down. After returning home, I received a message that Tom Andrews (my wingman) did not return from his last sortie. He is still missing :kilroy:. This is getting better every day :ernae: Thanks OFF team! :d
Hi there,
The DEV team are aware of the flight leader AI and is currently testing tweaks for patch 1.2. We are addressing the AI flight leader aircraft gaining too much speed and altitude and that the rest of the flight struggle to keep up.

Also being addressed is a more positive formation flight, where the AI aircraft do not wander away so much.

All being well, patch 1.2 will fix these anomalies for everyone.