Flight Replicas B-24J "My Akin ?"

Flight Replicas B-24J "My Akin ?" 2024-06-01

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falcon409 submitted a new resource:

Flight Replicas B-24J "My Akin ?" - WWII Repaint

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This is a repaint only for the Flight Replicas B-24J Liberator. This repaint depicts the Consolidated San Diego built B-24J-185-CO 44-40927 'My Akin ?', assigned to the 722nd BS, 450th BG, 15th Air Force, known as "The Cottontails". Flown by Capt. James L. McLain and crew, based at Manduria, Italy.

Between January 1944 and April 1945, the 450th BG engaged chiefly in missions against strategic targets in Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia...

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